Civil Rights Movement Web Links

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

See also:
CRMA Video & Audio Recordings
Museums, Academic Centers, & History Projects
Movement Bibliography

NOTICE — This list of web information sources is provided for research purposes only. Inclusion in this list does not imply any kind of endorsement, agreement, or approval of a particular website by the Civil Rights Movement Archive or Freedom Movement veterans.

"Archived" denotes a link to a discontinued webpage that can now only be found on the Internet Archive. Such archive pages may be slow to load (so have some patience).

~ # ~

2020 Protests & movement see Black Lives Matter Protests & Movement of 2020

~ A ~

Agriculture Stabilization & Conservation Service (ASCS) Elections

ASCS Elections — A Struggle for Economic Survival, 1964 (CRMA)
ASCS Election Campaigns, 1965 (CRMA)
Alabama ASCS Elections, 1966 — The Struggle Continues (CRMA)
From Co-Ops to Pigford (CRMA)
ASCS elections in Alabama Black Belt & Mississippi (SNCC Digital Gateway)

See also Pigford v Glickman "Black Farmers Case"

Alabama Christian Movement Human Rights (ACMHR)

Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights Founded (CRMA)

Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights (King Institute~Stanford Univ.)
Birmingham Campaign (King Institute~Stanford Univ.)
Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights (Encyclopedia of Alabama)
African-Americans in Birmingham, Protest ... 1956-58 (GNAD~Swarthmore Coll.)
African Americans Campaign ... 1963 (GNAD~Swarthmore Coll.)

See also sections covering:

Birmingham Movement
Fred Shuttlesworth
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)

Alabama Freedom Movements

Alabama Governor Wallace Takes Office, 1963 (CRMA)
The Mailman's March (Murder of William Moore) (CRMA)
Standing In the Schoolhouse Door, 1963 (CRMA)
Tuscaloosa Civil Rights History & Reconciliation Foundation
Tuscaloosa Civil Rights History Trail [PDF]
Alabama ASCS Elections, 1966 — The Struggle Continues (CRMA)
SNCC Organizing Presence in Alabama: A Partial Timeline, (Gwen Patton)

Modern Civil Rights Movement in Alabama (Encyclopedia of Alabama)
SPLC Civil Rights Memorial (Southern Poverty Law Center)
Stokely Carmichael (Spartacus Educational~UK)
Unseen. Unforgotten (Birmingham News)
African-Americans in Birmingham, Protest ... 1956-58 (GNAD~Swarthmore Coll.)
African Americans Campaign ... 1963 (GNAD~Swarthmore Coll.)
Alabama: Focus on Civil Rights (Univ. Alabama)
Take a Green Book-inspired road trip through Alabama's civil rights history (National Geographic)
The Civil Rights Movement in Mobile (Univ. of South Alabama)
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee in Alabama, Julia Wood, (Encyclopedia Alabama)
Savage Repression in Gadsden AL, 1963 (CRMA)
Repression and Resistance in Tuscaloosa, 1964 (CRMA)
Tuscaloosa Civil Rights History & Reconciliation Foundation
Tuscaloosa Civil Rights History Trail [PDF]

See also individual sections covering:

Alabama Christian Movement Human Rights
Birmingham Movement
Assasination of Jonathan Daniels
Freedom Rides, 1961
Lowndes County Freedom Organization (LCFO)
Jimmy Lee Jackson Murdered
Autherine Lucy vs University of Alabama
Viola Luizzo Murder
Montgomery Bus Boycott
Rosa Parks
Selma Voting Rights Campaign & March to Montgomery
Fred Shuttlesworth
Tuskegee Merchant Boycott

Albany, Americus, & SW Georgia Freedom Movements 1961-1964

Albany GA, Movement, 1961-1962 (CRMA)
" Seditious Conspiracy" in Americus GA, 1963 (CRMA)
Federal "Jury Tampering" Frameup in Albany GA, 1963 (CRMA)
Integrating Americus High School (CRMA)
Albany, Georgia, Vincent Harding & Staughton Lynd. Crises, 1963.
The Bloody Battleground of Albany (Slater King~Freedomways, 1964)
Gambler's Choice in Georgia (C.B. King campaign), Peter de Lissovoy. Nation
My Family The Movement & Me by Cathy Cade
Report From Albany, Ga. (Harvard Crimson)
Report From Albany (Harvard Crimson)

Albany Movement Formed (SNCC Digital Gateway)
Albany Civil Rights Movement Institute
Albany Movement (King Institute~Stanford Univ.)
Albany Movement (Civil Rights Digital Library)
The Albany Movement ... (1961-62) (GNAD~Swarthmore Coll.)
Peace Campaigners Work for Civil Rights ... (1963) (GNAD~Swarthmore Coll.)
They Couldn't Arrest Us All: Rutha Mae Harris on... (Aamna Modin ~ Guardian)

Mt. Zion Baptist Church (National Park Service)

A Faith Forged in Albany (This Far by Faith - PBS)
They marched for desegregation — then they disappeared for 45 days, Americus GA. (Mycah Hazel ~ NPR)
Civil Rights Protest Era in Americus, GA (The Times-Recorder)
Of Many Thing (Karen Smith~America)
Local Black History Chronology (Alan
Perverted Justice (Harvard Crimson)

Americus-Sumter County Movement (FaceBook page)

See also JFK Library

"All Deliberate Speed" Ruling (AKA "Brown II") see School Desegregation

Arkansas Freedom Movements

Land of (Unequal) Opportunity: Documenting the Civil Rights Struggle in Arkansas (Univ Arkansas)
Civil Rights Movement (Encyclopedia of Arkansas History & Culture)
Arkansas Civil Rights Heritage Trail (Arkansas Civil Rights Heritage)

See also Little Rock School Desegregation

Art Depicting the Freedom Movement See Freedom Movement Related Art

Atlanta Movement

Atlanta Sit-ins, 1960 (CRMA)
SNCC Meets Kenyan Freedom Fighter in Atlanta, 1963 (CRMA)
Atlanta Sit-ins & Mass Arrests, 1964 (CRMA)

Atlanta in the Civil Rights Movement (Atlanta Higher Education)
Atlanta University District (National Park Service)
Heart of Atlanta Motel v. United States (New Georgia Encyclopedia)
Sit-ins: Atlanta, Ga. (Civil Rights Digital Library)
Heart of Atlanta/Pickrick trial (Civil Rights Digital Library)
Atlanta in the Civil Rights Movement (American Historical Association)
Atlanta Students Sit-in ... (GNAD~Swarthmore Coll.)
Living history: Atlanta's most inspirational civil rights landmarks (Katia Hetter~CNN)

~ B ~

Baltimore & Maryland

Baltimore Sit-ins & Protests (CRMA)
Northwood Theatre — Baltimore, 1963 (CRMA)
Letters & Reports of Paul Cowan (Harvard Crimson)
CORE's Route 40 Project: ... (1961) (GNAD~Swarthmore Coll.)

See also Cambridge MD Movement

Ella Baker

Ella Baker (SNCC Digital Gateway)
Who Was Ella Baker? (Ella Baker Center for Human Rights)
Ella Baker (SNCC 1960-1966)
Ella Baker (Americans Who Tell the Truth)
Ella Baker 1903-1986 (North Carolina History Project)
Baker, Ella Josephine (King Institute~Stanford Univ.)
Ella Josephine Baker (Zinn Education Project)

Baton Rouge Bus Boycott

Baton Rouge Bus Boycott (CRMA)

The First Civil Rights Bus Boycott (National Public Radio)
The First Civil Rights Bus Boycott! (African American Registry)
Baton Rouge Bus Boycott of 1953 (Louisiana State Univ.)
Louisiana Bus Boycott Marks Its Page in Civil Rights History (L.A.Times)
African American Passengers Boycott ... (GNAD)

Bay Area Veterans of the Civil Rights Movement. (CRMA)

Birmingham Movement 1956-1966

The Birmingham Campaign, 1963 (CRMA)
Birmingham Church Bombing, 1963 (CRMA)
Birmingham Shall be Free Some Day, Fred Shuttlesworth. Freedomways, Winter 1964.
The Meaning of Birmingham, Bayard Rustin. Liberation
Test for Nonviolence — Birmingham, Stephen Rose. Christian Century, May 14, 1963. Guilty Bystanders (Birmingham Church Bombing), James Farmer. Liberation

Birmingham Campaign (King Institute~Stanford Univ.)
Birmingham Civil Rights Institute
Kelly Ingram Park (WSO Places, NPS)
Birmingham Demonstrations (Civil Rights Digital Library)
Birmingham (African American History!)
Birmingham Desegregation Campaign (Amistad Digital Resource)
African-Americans in Birmingham, Protest ... 1956-58 (GNAD~Swarthmore Coll.)
African Americans Campaign ... 1963 (GNAD~Swarthmore Coll.)
JFK Library
Birmingham Civil Rights (History & Culture~NPS)
Birmingham Campaign (That Sister)

16th Street Baptist Church Bombing

16th Street Baptist Church Bombing (National Public Radio~NPR)
Sixteenth Street Baptist Church (WSO Places - NPS)
Birmingham Bombing...) (Civil Rights Digital Library)

See also sections covering:

Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights
Fred Shuttlesworth
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)

Black Lives Matter Protests & Movement of 2020

Thoughts & Comments by Freedom Movement Veterans (CRMA)

Some Organizations:
Movement for Black Lives
Black Lives Matter
Ella Baker Center for Human Rights
NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund (LDF)
BYP 100
Dream Defenders
Color of Change
¡Alianza, Presente!
United We Dream
Black Alliance for Just Immigration (BAJI)
Undocublack Network
Race Forward
Black Liberation Collective Black College Student Demands (2015)
Jobs With Justice (JWJ)
Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ)

Article about Freedom Riders & 2020 mass protests, Monica Humphries (Insider)
Brands have no choice to tackle social issues (including BLM) Anat Amir (Wizer)

Black Power

Black Power (Multiple articles)

Black Power (King Institute~Stanford Univ)
Black Power Chronicles (Website)
Black Power Chronicles (FaceBook page)
Black Power (SNCC 1960-1966)
"Black Power" Stokely Carmichael speech at U.C. Berkeley
Position Paper: The Basis of Black Power (The '60s Project)
How Stokely Carmichael Betrayed the Movement (Eric Etheridge/James Lawson)
Black Power (Amistad Digital Resource~Columbia University)

Bogalusa LA Movement

Confronting the Klan in Bogalusa With Nonviolence & Self-Defense, 1965 (CRMA)
Bogalusa to Baton Rouge March, 1967(CRMA)

By Any Means Necessary (Nation Magazine)
Bogalusa Negro Community vs. Crown Colony (Calisphere~U.C. Berkeley))
Klan Murder Shines Light on Bogalusa, La. (Larry Keller~Southern Poverty Law Center)

See also sections covering:

Louisiana Movement
Deacons of Defense

Julian Bond

Julian Bond (Veterans Roll Call~CRMA)
Julian Bond (SNCC Digital Gateway)
Julian Bond Runs for Seat in Georgia Legislature (SNCC Digital Gateway)
Julian Bond Papers Project, (Univ. of Virginia)
Julian Bond Oral History Project (George Ivers ~ American University)

Julian Bond (New Georgia Encyclopedia)
Julian Bond (SNCC 1960-1966)
Chicago 1968: Revolt of the Progressive DNC Delegates (Portside, 2018)
Bond v. Floyd (SCOTUS decision)
Julian Bond (SNCC Digital Gateway)
Julian Bond (SNCC Legacy Project)
Julian Bond (Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Site~NPS)
In the Fire of Activism: Julian Bond's Life in Politics and Protest, (Nation magazine)

Brown v. Board of Education see School Desegregation

~ C ~

Cambridge MD Movement & Gloria Richardson

Cambridge MD, 1962 (CRMA)
Cambridge MD, 1963 (CRMA)
Cambridge MD & the "White Backlash", 1964 (CRMA)
Focus on Cambridge (Gloria Richardson~Freedomways, 1964)
Gloria Richardson (SNCC Digital Gateway)

Gloria Richardson
Cambridge, MD, Cctivists Campaign ... (1962-1963) (GNAD~Swarthmore Coll.)
Cambridge CONVERGENCE: ... (Clayborne Carson~King Institute)
Maryland Town Recalls Racial Unrest in 1967 (Jacki Lyden~NPR)
Half a century after rioting ravaged Cambridge, town seeks to embrace history so as to transcend it (Jonathan Pitts~Baltimore Sun)
Maryland Town Recalls Racial Unrest in 1967 (NPR)

See also Baltimore & Maryland

Stokely Carmichael see Kwame Ture

Chaney, Schwerner, Goodman Lynching

Lynching of Chaney, Schwerner & Goodman (CRMA)
Neshoba Murders Case — A Chronology, Arkansas Delta Truth and Justice Center.
An Address by Mrs. Fannie Lee Chaney of Meridian, Mississippi (Freedomways.)

The KKK kills three civil rights activists (
Murder in Mississippi (Norman Rockwell Museum)
9 Things You Should Know About the Mississippi Burning' Murders (The Gospel Coalition)

See also Freedom Summer

Charlotte & Rock Hill Sit-ins

Rock Hill & Charlotte Sit-ins (J. Charles Jones)
Rock Hill SC, "Jail-No-Bail" Sit-ins, 1961 (CRMA)
Charlottsville VA, Race & Place (Univ. of Virginia)
Rock Hill, SC, Students Sit-in for Civil Rights (GNAD~Swarthmore Coll.)
University Students Campaign for ... Charlotte, NC (GNAD~Swarthmore Coll.)

Chicago Freedom Movement (CFM)

Chicago Freedom Movement (Middlebury Blog Network) )
A Closer Look at the 1966 Chicago Freedom Movement (PRRAC)
Assessing the Chicago Freedom Movement," James Ralph (PRRAC)
End-the-Slums Movement, Bernard LaFayette (PRRAC)
Coordinating Council of Community Organizations (E-Encyclopedia Chicago)
Chicago activists challenge segregation (NVAD~Swathmore Coll.)
The Gautreaux Lawsuit (BPI)
The Houses that Gautreaux Build (University of Chicago Magazine)
Chicago Campaign (King Institute~Stanford Univ.)

Children of the Movement. (Website for book about children of Movement leaders)

Citizenship Schools

Citizenship Schools (CRMA)
Citizenship and Liberation (Septima Clark~Freedomways)

Dorchester Academy (National Park Service)
Septima Clark Founded Citizenship Schools (America Comes Alive!)
Highlander and Citizenship Schools (Civil Rights Women Leaders of the Carolinas)
They Say I'm Your Teacher (Nine-minute video on the Citizenship Schools)

Civil Rights Acts

Brief History of Civil Rights Act (Robert D. Loevy, Colorado College)

See also:

JFK Library
LBJ Library

Civil Rights Act — 1957

Civil Rights Act of 1957 (CRMA)

Civil Rights Act of 1957 (Civil Rights Digital Library)
Civil Rights Act of 1957 Excerpts. (
Civil Rights Act of 1957 (Eisenhower Library)

Civil Rights Act — 1960

Civil Rghts Act of 1960 (CRMA)

Civil Rights Act of 1960 Excerpts. (

Civil Rights Act — 1964

Civil Rights Act Passes in the House (CRMA)
Civil Rights Act — Battle in the Senate (CRMA)
Civil Rights Act of 1964 (CRMA)

Civil Rights Act of 1964 Text of, (
Civil Rights Act; July 2, 1964 (Yale Law School)
Civil Rights Act of 1964 (King ~ Stanford Univ)
Civil Rights Filibuster Ended (U.S. Senate)
Heart of Atlanta Motel v. United States (New Georgia Encyclopedia)
Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Civil Rights Digital Library)
Teaching With Documents, CRA 1964 (U.S. National Archives)
March on Washington and the Civil Rights Act (Amistad Digital Resource)

Voting Rights Act of 1965

Passage of the Voting Rights Act (CRMA)

Voting Rights Act of 1965 Text of, (
Voting Rights Act of 1965 (King Institute~Stanford Univ)
The Voting Rights Act of 1965 (U.S. Dept of Justice)
Voting Rights Act (U.S. National Archives)
LBJ Library
Voting Rights Act (Leadership Conference on Civil Rights)
The American Promise LBJ's "We Shall Overcome" speech (LBJ Library)
Voting Rights Act (Encylopedia Brittanica)

See also sections covering:

Voting Rights
Voting Rights Act Renewal

Civil Rights Act — 1968 (AKA "Fair Housing Act")

Fair Housing Act (History)
History of Fair Housing (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development)
The Fair Housing Act of 1968 (U.S. House of Representatives)

Civil Rights Congress

Civil Rights Congress (Encyclopedia Brittanica)
Civil Rights Congress 1946-1956 (Blackpast)
" We Charge Genocide" The 1951 Black Lives Matter Campaign (Mapping American Social Movements ~ University of Washington)

Civil Rights Memorial. (Southern Poverty Law Center)

Civil Rights Movement Art See Freedom Movement Related Art

Civil Rights Movement — General, Overviews & Histories

History & Timeline (CRMA)
Articles & Speeches by Freedom Movement Veterans (CRMA)

"We Had Set Ourselves Free"... (Teaching for Change~Zinn Education Project)
Black Upsurge Against Racial Segregation (Teaching for Change~Zinn Education Project)
Civil Rights Teaching (Hosted by Teaching for Change
Critiquing the Traditional Narrative
Civil Rights Movement: 1919-1960s (TeacherServe~National Humanities Center) (Social justice documents & resource materials)
Correct(Ed) Teaching the Civil Rights Movement, Jim Loewen (Tougaloo College)
What Happened to the Civil Rights Movement After 1965? (Adam Sanchez ~ Zinn Education Project)

Civil Rights Era Part 1 (Library of Congress)
Sit-ins, Freedom Rides, and Demonstrations Era Part 2 (Library of Congress)
Civil Rights History Project (American Folklife Center, Library of Congress
Civil Rights Movement in Virginia. Online exhibit by Virginia Historical Society.
Civil Rights Digital Library (Consortium of many libraries)
Demonstration Chronology, June - September 1963 (U.S. Dept of Justice)

Publishing the Long Civil Rights Movement (Univeristy of North Carolina)
Civil Rights Era 1954-1975 (Amistad Digital Resource~Columbia Univ.)
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture (NY Public Library)
Teachers in the Movement (UVA Curry School of Education)

Eyes on the Prize Interviews (Washington Univ.) Transcripts of interviews
Civil Rights Movement (

Civil Rights Movement 1955-1965 (African American History!)
Civil Rights Trail
Civil Rights Movement 1955-65, by Lisa Cozzens for her high school history project.
See also We Shall Overcome Historic Places

Civil Rights Movement in the North see Northern Wing of the Civil Rights Movement

COINTELPRO see FBI Against the Movement

Cold Case Investigations (Civil Rights Murders)

Civil Rights and Restorative Justice Project (Northeastern University )
Georgia Civil Rights Cold Cases Project (Emory University)
Civil Rights Cold Case Project (Center for Investigative Reporting)
Cold Case Initiative (U.S. Dept. of Justice )
Unsolved and overlooked murders: Investigating cold cases of the civil rights era (DeNeen L. Brown~Washington Post)

Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)

CORE Website
Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), ( SNCC Digital Gateway ~ Duke Univ.)
Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) (King Institute~Stanford Univ.)
CORE Actions including maps, (Univ. of Washington, Seattle)
the CORE Project
Harlem CORE, History
Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), (History.Com, January 2021)
Jerome Smith and His Freedom-Fighting Peers' (New Orleans Tribune, August 26, 2017) CORE Actions 1942-1970, (Mapping American Social Movements ~ University of Washington)

See also James Farmer

Council of Federated Organizations (COFO)

Council of Federated Organizations (COFO) Formed (CRMA)

COFO Reorganized (SNCC Digital Gateway)
Story of COFO Part 1 and Part 2 (Bay Area Friends of SNCC Newsletter)
Council of Federated Organizations (COFO) (King Institute~Stanford Univ.)

See also Mississippi Movement

~ D ~

Vernon Dahmer

Vernon F. Dahmer: Civil Rights Martyr and American Hero, Joyce Ladner (CRMA)
Former KKK Leader Convicted of 1966 Murder (CNN)
NCC Officials Relieved by Verdict in Mississippi Murder Case (NCC)
Vernon Dahmer Murdered (SNCC Digital Gateway)
Vernon Dahmer (SNCC Digital Gateway)

See also Martyrs of the Movement

Jonathan Daniels

Jonathan Daniels, Civil Rights Hero (Museums and Archives~Virginia Military Institute)
Jonathan Daniels: Forgotten Hero of the Civil Rights Movement (Plough Publishing House)
Jonathan Daniels, 1939-1965 (Episcopal Archives)

Danville VA Movement 1963

Danville VA, Movement (CRMA)

Danville (Virginia Historical Society)
Danville Civil Rights Demonstrations of 1963 (Encylopedia Virginia)
Danville Civil Rights Movement (Virginia Center for Digital History)
Interview Dr. Joyce Glaise (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.)
Interview Dr. Milton Reid (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.)
Danville Community Campaigns 1963 (GNAD~Swarthmore Coll.)
Guide to Danville Civil Rights Case Files (Library of Virginia)
Bearing Witness to the Danville Civil Rights Protests of 1963 (Virginia Humanities)

Deacons of Defense and Justice

Armed Defense Interview With Charles Sims (Bogalusa, LA) 1965
By Any Means Necessary (Mike Marqusee~The Nation)
Deacons of Defense & Justice — FBI Files (Paperless Archives)
Deacons of Defense (Larry Pratt~Gun Owners of America)
Deacons of Defense and Justice (blackmanspirit)
Deacons of Defense and Justice (
Deacons of Defense and Justice (Dave Kopel)

See also sections covering:

Bogalusa Movement
Louisiana Movement

Durham, NC, Movement

Royal Ice Cream Sit-in — Durham, 1957 (CRMA)
Durham Sit-ins and Protests, 1960-61 (CRMA)
Freedom Highways in Durham and Greensboro, 1962 (CRMA)
Mass Action in Durham (1963)

Durham Students Sit-in (GNAD~Swarthmore Coll.)
African American Citizens Campaign (1963) (GNAD~Swarthmore Coll.)
Durham Civil Rights Heritage Project: Our Pictures and Stories (Durham Civil Rights Heritage Project~Durham City Library)

See also North Carolina Movement

~ E ~

Ethnic Studies see Third World Liberation Front (TWLF) Student Struggles

Medgar & Myrlie Evers

Medgar Evers Assassination, 1963 (CRMA)
Medgar's Funeral & End of Jackson Movement, 1963 (CRMA)
Medgar Evers (SNCC Digital Gateway)
Medgar Evers Murdered (SNCC Digital Gateway)

Medgar & Myrlie Evers Institute

Jackson, Mississippi by Hunter Bear (John Salter)
Legacy of Medgar Evers (National Public Radio~NPR)
Myrlie Evers-Williams (NAACP)
Medgar Evers (NAACP)
Medgar Wiley Evers (Arlington National Cemetary)
Medgar Evers and the Origin of the Civil Rights Movement in Mississippi (MHS)
Medgar Evers assassinated (History)
Medgar Evers (
Medgar Evers College (Medgar Evers College~City University of New York)

Martyrs of the Movement
41 Lives for Freedom

See also: LBJ Library

~ F ~

James Farmer

A Freedom Ride Organizer On Nonviolent Resistance (NPR)
Farmer, James, 1920-1999 (King Research & Education Inst.~Stanford Univ.)
James Farmer, 1920-1999 (Encylopedia Virginia)
James Farmer, Jr. interviews, (Who Speaks for the Negro?)
James Farmer Biography (
Jim Farmer (Congress of Racial Equality)

Fayette County TN Tent City

"Tent City," Tennessee (Univ. of Tennessee at Martin)
Fayette County, African Americans Form Tent City ... (GNAD~Swarthmore Coll.)
Tent City: Stories of Civil Rights in Fayette County, Tennessee (University of Memphis)

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Against the Movement

FBI's COINTELPRO Targets the Movement (CRMA)
Hoover Tries to Destroy Dr. King (CRMA)

Why We Should Teach About the FBI's War on the Movement (Ursula Wolfe-Rocca ~ Zinn Ed Proj.)
COINTELPRO — The Senate Report Vol 3. (Internet Archive Foundation)
FBI's Vendetta Against Martin Luther King (excerpt from The Lawless State)
CRM Unlawful Surveillance, Intimidation, & Harassment (Tracked in America)
COINTELPRO: FBI Domestic Intelligence Activities (Brian Glick)
COINTELPRO: Federal Bureau of Intimidation (Howard Zinn)
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) (King Institute~Stanford Univ.)
The FBI's Civil Rights Deficit (Laura Murphy~American Civil Liberties Union)

Get Grandpa's FBI File (Obtain files using Freedom of Information Act.)

Federation of Southern Cooperatives

Federation of Southern Cooperatives (home page)

Florida Freedom Movements

Civil Rights Movement in Florida (University of South Florida)
Florida Civil Rights Oral Histories (University of South Florida)
Images of the Civil Rights Movement in Florida (Florida Memory)
Tallahassee Students Sit-in... (GNAD~Swarthmore Univ.)
An inconvenient truth: Central Florida's role in civil-rights movement (Randolph Bracy Jr.~ Orlando Sentinel)

See also sections covering:

Harry & Harriette Moore Murder
St. Augustine Movement
Tallahassee Bus Boycott

Jim Forman

Jim Forman (In Memory)
SNCC Founder James Forman (African American Registry)
James Forman (King Institute~Stanford Univ.)
JAMES FORMAN (1928-2005) (
James Forman (SNCC Digital Gateway)

Freedom Ballot — Mississippi

Freedom Ballot in MS (CRMA)

Freedom Ballot (SNCC 1960-1966)
The Rhetoric and Methods of the 1963 Mississippi Freedom Vote (Denise Lynn~African American Intellectual History Society)

See also sections covering:

Mississippi Movement
Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party

Freedom Movement Related Art

Freedom Movement Related Art (CRMA)
Oh Freedom! Teaching African American Civil Rights Through Art (Smithsonian)
Inside the Art of the Civil Rights Movement (Jamilah King~Colorlines)
The Struggle for Educational Freedom (Walker Hurst, Steven Lohrey, Khajae Hester)
These Are The Artists Of The Civil Rights Movement (Katherine Brooks~Huffington Post)
The Power of Imagery in Advancing Civil Rights (Arcynta Ali
Art of the Civil Rights Movement (Lisa Marder~ThoughtCo.)

Free Southern Theater

Free Southern Theater Founded (CRMA~History & Timeline)
The Need for a Southern Freedom Theater (Derby, Gilbert, O'Neal~Freedomways, 1964)
Free Southern Theater (SNCC 50th Anniversary Conference)
Free Southern Theater: An Evaluation (Tom Dent~Freedomways, 1966)

Junebug Productions
Free Southern Theater Institute
Interview Kalamu ya Salaam (Jordan Green~American Poets Interviews)
Freedom School Curriculem (Education & Democracy)
John O'Neal (Kirkland Project~Hamilton Univ.)
Creative Resistance: A Study of the Free Southern Theater (Huffington Post)

Freedom Rides

Freedom Rides (CRMA~Timeline & History)
Freedom Rides (Multiple articles)
Freedom Rides (SNCC Digital Gateway)
Freedom Rides, New South, 1961 (Multiple articles)
Freedom Riders Speak For Themselves, News & Letters, 1961. (Multiple Articles)
Freedom Riders National Monument, Alabama. NPS
The White Problem, Albert Bigelow. Liberation, 1961.
Freedom Ride, David Fankhauser.
Siege of the Freedom Riders (Bernard Lafayette~NY Times, 2011)
In Pursuit of Freedom, William Mahoney. Liberation, 1961.
A Freedom Rider Speaks His Mind, Jimmy Mcdonald. Freedomways, 1961.
When MLK Thrilled L.A. — and Me, Ellen Broms. Zocalo

Sit-ins, Freedom Rides, & Demonstrations (Library of Congress)
Breach of Peace Portraits of the 1961 Mississippi Freedom Riders
Freedom Riders Mug Shots (Eric Etheridge)
50 Years After Their Mug Shots, Portraits of Mississippi's Freedom Riders, Maurice Berger ~ New York Times 2018
Freedom Rides (Civil Rights Digital Library)
Freedom Rides (African American History!)
Freedom Rides (King Institute~Stanford Univ)
Freedom Rides (SNCC)
The Freedom Riders, Then and Now (Smithsonian Inst.)
Freedom Rides (1961) (
"..They're Going to Burn Us Up!" (Excerpt from Freedom Riders...)
Freedom Riders End Racial Segregation ... (GNAD~Swarthmore Coll.)
Freedom Riders, Raymond Arsenault (PRRAC)
Article about Freedom Riders & 2020 mass protests, Insider 2020

Freedom Rides Commemorations

Little Rock, AR, 1961 Freedom Riders 50th Anniversary (UALR)
Oprah's Tribute to Freedom Riders (Oprah Winfrey Show)
Freedom Riders (American Experience~PBS)
House Resolution 1779 Honoring 50th anniversary of the Freedom Rides

Freedom Riders 40th Reunion (Freedom Riders Foundation)
40 Years Later, Mississippi Lauds 'Freedom Riders (NPR)
Memorializing the Freedom Riders (Ellen Spears~Southern Spaces)
Traveling Down the Road to Freedom (Stephanie~Odyssey Student Trek)

Charlotta Janssen (Paintings inspired by Freedom Rides)

See also JFK Library

Freedom Schools

Freedom Schools (CRMA)
Freedom School Curriculum 1964 (CRMA)
Remembrances of Freedom School Students (CRMA)

Freedom Schools: Concept And Organization (Staughton Lynd~Freedomways)
Platform: Freedom School Convention (Students)
Sandra Adickes History Lessons in Hattiesburg
Three Letters From a Freedom School Teacher

Freedom School Curriculum. (Education & Democracy)
Freedom Schools (SNCC Digital Gateway)
The Forgotten Story of the Freedom Schools (The Atlantic)

San Francisco Freedom School

Freedom Songs

The Power of Freedom Songs (CRMA)
SNCC Freedom Singers (SNCC 50th Anniversary Conference)

Music in the Civil Rights Movement (Bernice Johnson Reagon~PBS)
Bernice Johnson Reagon [Audio]
Bernice Johnson Reagon: Civil Rights song leader (Folkways~Smithsonian Inst.)
In Our Hands: Thoughts on Black Music, (Berenice Johnson Reagon)
Civil Rights Singer Bernice Johnson Reagon on Her 80th Birthday, Smithsonian, 2022
Protest Songs: We Shall Overcome (Lift Every Voice~Univ. Virginia)
A Freedom Singer Shares The Music Of The Movement (NPR) [Text & Audio]
Songs and the Civil Rights Movement (King Institute~Stanford University)
Lyrics of the Freedom Songs (PBS~American Experience)
Freedom Singer performance Antioch College, (Duke Univ.)
Voices of the Civil Rights Movement: Black American Freedom Songs 1960-1966 (Folk Ways~Smithsonian)
They Couldn't Arrest Us All: Rutha Mae Harris on... (Aamna Modin ~ Guardian)

Freedom songs today:

Songs of Freedom and Struggle (People's Music Network)
Freedom Song Network (FSN)
Songs of Freedom (TV show)

See also Poetry

Freedom Summer

Freedom Summer (CRMA)
Freedom Summer Articles by Movement Veterans (CRMA~Multiple Articles)
Documents From Freedom Summer (CRMA)
Letters & Reports From Freedom Summer
"Letters From Mississippi," by Elizabeth Sutherland Martinez
Life in Mississippi, Fannie Lou Hamer. (Freedomways.)
Tremor in the Iceberg: The Mississippi Summer, Eric Morton. (Freedomways)
Freedom Summer (SNCC Digital Gateway)

Freedom Summer Digital Collection (Wisconsin Historical Society)

Freedom Summer (King Institute~Stanford Univ.)
Freedom Summer (Civil Rights Digital Library)
Letters From Participants (America Firsthand)
Oh Freedom Over Me (American RadioWorks)
Mississippi & Freedom Summer (African American History!)
Three who gave their lives By Les Bayless (People's Weekly World)
Mississippi Summer Freedom Project (some letters from)
Mississippi Freedom Summer (Amistad Digital Resource~Columbia University)
Freedom Summer: Three CORE Members Murdered in Mississippi (Congress of Racial Equality)
Freedom Summer (June-August 1964) (
Freedom Summer of 1964 Launched a Voting Rights Revolution (Ray Uyeda ~ TeenVogue)

See also sections covering:

Mississippi Movement
Freedom Schools

Friends of SNCC

The Movement Friends of SNCC Newspaper 1965-70
Bay Area Friends of SNCC Newsletter (January 1965)
Bay Area Friends of SNCC Newsletter (February 1965)
r Bay Area Friends of SNCC Newsletter (March 1965)

See also Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)

~ G ~

Georgia Freedom Movements

Civil Rights Movement (New Georgia Encyclopedia)
Augusta Movement (Civil Rights Digital Library)
Georgia Civil Rights Cold Cases Project (Emory University)
They Couldn't Arrest Us All: Rutha Mae Harris on... (Aamna Modin ~ Guardian)
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) Website
Springfield Community Center, Taliaferro County, GA. SCLC/SCOPE & Crawfordville movement.

See also individual sections covering:

Albany, Americus, & SW Georgia Movements
Atlanta Movement

Andrew Goodman see Chaney, Schwerner, Goodman Lynching

Greensboro Sit-ins & Protests

First Southern Sit-in, Greensboro NC, 1960 (CRMA)
Freedom Highways in Durham and Greensboro, 1962 (CRMA)
Mass Action in Greensboro, 1963 (CRMA)

Sit-Ins Greensboro (SNCC Digital Gateway)
International Civil Rights Center and Museum (Greensboro)
Greensboro Woolworth Building (National Park Service)
Greensboro Lunch Counter Sit-In (Library of Congress)
Sit-ins, Freedom Rides, & Demonstrations (Library of Congress)
Sit-ins: Greensboro, N.C. (Civil Rights Digital Library)
Sit-Ins (African American History!)
First Sit-in on February 1, 1960 (SNCC 1960-1966)
Sitting for Justice (Smithsonian Museum of American History)
February One: Story of Greensboro Four ([IndependentLens PBS)
Moment When Four Students Sat Down to Take a Stand, (Smithsonian Magazine)
Greensboro, NC, Students Sit-in ... (GNAD~Swarthmore Coll.)
Desegregation of Greensboro Businesses, 1962-1963 (UNC Greensboro)
Greensboro Sit-Ins at Woolworth's, February-July 1960 (UNC Greensboro)
February One (film)
Greensboro Sit-In (North Carolina History Project)
N.Y. Times article on Greensboro first sit-in

See also North Carolina Movement

Greenwood MS Movement

Mississippi Voter Registration — Greenwood, 1962 (CRMA)
Greenwood Food Blockade, 1962 (CRMA)
Marching For Freedom in Greenwood, 1963 (CRMA)

Mississippi & Freedom Summer (African American History!)
Activism and Violence in Greenwood Mississippi (Library of Congress)
Map: Greenwood, Mississippi (One Person One Vote~SNCC)
Greenwood, Mississippi (SNCC Digital Gateway)

Grenada MS Movement (1966)

Grenada MS Freedom Movement (CRMA)
Grenada MS, Movement (CRMA)
Documents From the Grenada Freedom Movement (CRMA)
Photos, Bob Fitch. (Stanford Univ.)
FBI Files: Grenada, Mississippi Public School Riots, 1966-1967 (McCain Library and Archives~University of Southern Miss.)

~ H ~

Fannie Lou Hamer

Interview: Life in Mississippi, Fannie Lou Hamer. (CRMA)
Fannie Lou Hamer (SNCC Digital Gateway)

Fannie Lou Hamer (ROAR International)
The Hamer Institute
Long Road to Freedom — A Play (Scholastic)
Testimony - Democratic National Convention (American RadioWorks)
Songs Of Salvation: Remembering Fannie Lou Hamer's Music (NPR)
Civil rights crusader Fannie Lou Hamer defied men and presidents who tried to silence her (Washington Post)
Remembering 1963: Fannie Lou Hamer Arrested and Beaten in Winona, Mississippi (Equal Justice Initiative)
Fannie Lou Hamer (National Women's Hall of Fame)
Fannie Lou Hamer's America, Film and resources. 2022

Hattiesburg MS Movement

Freedom Day in Hattiesburg (CRMA)
Oral History, Raylawni Branch (USM)

"Crawl Space" (Boston Latin School)
Freedom Day in Hattiesburg, Mississippi (Howard Zinn ~ Zinn Education Project)
Freedom Day in Hattiesburg (SNCC Digital Gateway)

See also Mississippi Movement

Highlander Center

Highlander Center (Highlander Center website)
Higlander Folk School (King Institute~Stanford Univ.)
Highlander Folk School (SNCC Digital Gateway)

Dorothy Height see National Council of Negro Women & Dorothy Height

~ I ~

~ J ~

Jimmy Lee Jackson

The Shooting of Jimmy Lee Jackson (CRMA)
The Murder of Jimmie Lee Jackson (Equal Injustice Initiative)

See also:
Martyrs of the Movement
41 Lives for Freedom

Jackson, MS, Movement

Tougaloo Nine and Jackson State Protest, 1961 (CRMA)
Jackson MS, Boycotts, 1962 (CRMA) Jackson Sit-in & Protests, 1963 (CRMA)
Medgar's Funeral & End of Jackson Movement, 1963 (CRMA)
Jackson, Mississippi by Hunter Bear (John Salter)
Leadership Lessons of Medgar Evers (M.J O'Brien)

Jews & the Civil Rights Movement

Jews, Religion, & the Movement (A Discussion)

Jews and the Civil Rights Movement curriculum grades 8-12 (Jewish Women's Archive)
Jewish Women in Civil Rights (Jewish Women's Archive)
Civil Rights Movement in the United States (Jewish Women's Archive)
Black Liberation and Jewish Identity (Jewish Currents)
Working to Extend America's Freedoms: Jewish involvement in the Civil Rights Movement, Howard Sachar (My Jewish Learning).

"Jim Crow" see Segregation — the "Jim Crow" System

Vernon Johns

Vernon Johns, Life and Times (Vernon Johns Society)
Vernon Johns: Farmer, Preacher, Civil-Rights Pioneer (Maelinda Turner~Oberlin College)
Johns, Vernon (King's Institute~Stanford Univ.)

~ K ~

Clyde Kennard

Clyde Kennard Framed and Jailed in MS (CRMA)
Clyde Kennard (Ron Hollander~CRMA)

Clyde Kennard (Hamer Institute)
New Portrait Honors Clyde Kennard, Forgotten Civil Rights Pioneer (Huffington Post)
CLYDE KENNARD (1927-1963) (
The Clyde Kennard Story (Bluhm Legal Clinic~Northwestern University)
Clyde Kennard (Zinn Education Project)

Martin Luther King (1929-1968)

MLK Overviews, Biographies, & Misc.
All About Martin Luther King (Enchanted Learning) (Students K-12)
MLK and Coretta Scott King in Boston: A Love Story (Clennon L. King ~ Boston Magazine)

Tax Fraud Charges Against Dr. King, see New York Times v Sullivan

See also:
Martyrs of the Movement
41 Lives for Freedom
JFK Library

MKL Academic & Historic Centers

M.L. King Research & Education Institute (Stanford Univ.)
King Center, Atlanta GA
MLK National Historic Site (National Park Service)

MLK Awarded Nobel Prize

Nobel Peace Prize 1964 (King Institute~Stanford Univ.)
Dr. King's Acceptance Speech (Dr.
Quest for Peace and Justice Nobel Lecture (Dr.

Opposes Vietnam War

Casualties of the War in Vietnam (King Institute~Stanford Univ.)
MLK's Call for Peace as Racial Justice Still Rings (Michelle Chen~Common Dreams)

Black Power

Black Power (King Institute~Stanford Univ.)
Speech at Monmouth College, Oct 1966
King's position in the Black Power movement (Carol Breit (honors thesis ~ Univ. Richmond, 1972)
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Supported Black Power (Prof. Manu Ampim 1989)

MLK Assasination in Memphis

Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. (King Institute~Stanford University)
National Civil Rights Museum.
Court Documents - MLK & Sanitation Workers (National Archives)
Lorrain Hotel (National Park Service)
Dr. King's Assassination (Civil Rights Digital Library)
An Act of State: The Execution of MLK. (William F. Pepper)
Assassination of MLK Was An Act of State (Book review)
After Three Decades, Another Verdict (James Douglass)
A Shot Rings Out in the Memphis Sky (Neda~Odyssey Student Trek)
Martin Luther King Jr. Assassinated (Finding Dulcinea)

MLK Speeches & Essays

"Birth of a New Nation" Montgomery (1957)
Letter from Birmingham Jail(1963)
"I Have a Dream" speech, March on Washington (1963)
Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech (1964) (King Institute~Stanford University)
Our God is Marching On! (1965) (King Institute~Stanford University)
Where Do We Go From Here (1967), (King Institute~Stanford University)
The Drum Major Instinct (1968), (King Institute~Stanford University)
"I Have Been to the Mountain Top", (last speech) (1968)

Legacy and Analysis of Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King You Don't See On TV (Media Beat ~FAIR)

YouTube Videos of Martin Luther King Speeches

Martin Luther King – a Video Selection 1954-1968, Portside
First Mass Meeting, of the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Holt Street Baptist Church, 12/5/55
Give Us the Ballot, Washington, DC. Prayer Pilgrimage protest, 5/17/57
Bennet College Speech, Greensboro, NC. 2/11/58
The Lost 1959 Broadcast, St. Paul, MN.
Chapman University speech, Orange, CA. 12/10/61
American Dream, Lincoln University, Oxford, PA. 6/6/61
Emancipation Proclamation Centennial, New York City. 9/12/62
I Have a Dream, address to March on Washington. 8/28/63
Acceptance Speech, for the Nobel Peace Prize. Oslo, Norway. 12/10/64
Beyond Vietnam—A Time to Break Silence, Riverside Church, New York City, 4/4/67
The Other America, Stanford University, CA. 4/14/67
Three Evils of Society, National Conference for New Politics, Chicago, IL. 8/31/67
I've Been to the Mountaintop, address to Memphis Garbage Workers Strike. 4/3/67

Ku Klux Klan (KKK)

Ku Klux Klan (KKK) (National Park Service)
Jim Crow and the Ku Klux Klan (The Library of Virginia)

See also White Citizens Council

~ L ~

Herbert Lee

Herbert Lee Murdered (CRMA) Oh Freedom Over Me (Page 4) (American RadioWorks)
Herbert Lee (1912-1961) (
Sept. 25, 1961: Murder of Herbert Lee (Zinn Education Project)

See also:
Martyrs of the Movement
41 Lives for Freedom

Legal Defense & Education Fund (LDF)

NAACP Legal Defense & Education Fund ("Ink Fund")
NAACP Legal Defense & Education Fund — History
NAACP Legal Defense & Education Fund (AKA "Ink Fund"), CRMA.

Legal Organizations

National Lawyers Guild
NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund (LDF) (AKA the "Inc Fund")
Lawyer's Constitutional Defense Committee (LCDC) (1964-1976)

John Lewis

John Lewis (SNCC Digital Gateway)
Congressman John Lewis (U.S. House of Representatives)
Congressman John Lewis (Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Site~National Park Service)

Little Rock School Desegregation

The Little Rock Nine (CRMA)

Warriors Don't Cry: ... (Teaching for Change~Zinn Education Project)
"A School Year Like No Other" ... (Teaching for Change~Zinn Education Project)
Little Rock School Desegregation (King Institute~Stanford Univ.)
Crisis at Central High (National Park Service)
Little Rock Central High School Integration (Civil Rights Digital Library)
Civil Rights: The Little Rock School Integration Crisis (Eisenhower Library)
School Integration in Little Rock, Arkansas (African American History!)
Crises in Little Rock (American RadioWorks)
Melba Pattillo Beals (Scholastic)
Arkansas Bars "Little Rock Nine" From School (Finding Dulcinea)
The Little Rock Nine (National Museum of African American History & Culture)
Little Rock Nine: the day young students shattered racial segregation (The Guardian)

Warriors Don't Cry: (Rethinking Schools Online)
2, 4, 6, 8: I Think You Best Desegregate! (Jennifer~Odyssey Student Trek)

See also Arkansas Movement

Viola Liuzzo Murder

Viola Liuzzo (Unitarian Universalists)
A white mother went to Alabama to fight for civil rights. The Klan killed her for it. (Washington Post)
Viola Gregg Liuzzo (Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia~Ferris State University)
Martyrs of the Movement
Civil Rights Activist Murdered by the Ku Klux Klan Whose Story Was Nearly Lost to History (A Mighty Girl)

Louisiana Freedom Movements

Baton Rouge Sit-ins & Student Strike, 1960 (CRMA)
Baton Rouge Student Protests, 1961 (CRMA)
"Criminal Anarchy" in Louisiana, 1962 (CRMA)
Man-Hunt in Plaquemine LA, 1963 (CRMA)
Deacons of Defense & Justice Founded (CRMA)
Confronting the Klan in Bogalusa With Nonviolence & Self-Defense (CRMA)

Baton Rouge Students Sit-in ... (GNAD~Swarthmore Coll.)
Civil Rights Timeleine-Louisiana (Our African American History~East Baton Rouge Parish Library)
Jerome Smith and His Freedom-Fighting Peers' (New Orleans Tribune, August 26, 2017)

See also individual sections covering:

Baton Rouge Bus Boycott
Bogalusa LA Movement
Deacons of Defense
New Orleans Movement & School Desegregation

Lowndes County Freedom Organization (LCFO)

What Would it Profit a Man to Have the Vote and Not be Able to Control it?, Courtland Cox
We Intend to Take Over Lowndes County, Stokely Carmichael. The Movement
How the Black Panther Party Was Organized, John Hulet
Integration is Completely Irrelevant to Us, Stokely Carmichael. The Movement
Lowndes County Election Fraud~November 1966, Gwen Patton. Liberator.
Lowndes County Freedom Organization, Jack Minnis.
Making the Revolution — In One County Review of Bloody Lowndes (Jo Freeman)
Lowndes County Freedom Organization (LCFO) Political Education Primer
Lowndes County Freedom Organization Founded (SNCC Digital Gateway)

Interview Gloria House

Lowndes County Freedom Organization (Encylopedia of Alabama)
Modern Civil Rights Movement in Alabama (Encylopedia of Alabama)
Lowndes County Freedom Organization (
Interview with John Hulett (Eyes on the Prize~PBS)
Making the Revolution — in One County (Book Review~Jo Freeman)
Lowndes County Freedom Party (LCFP) (SNCC Digital Gateway)

Autherine Lucy vs University of Alabama

Autherine Lucy at the Univ. Alabama (CRMA)
Autherine Lucy Foster: The Life of a Legend (Laura Braddick ~ Univ. Alabama)

~ M ~

Malcolm X

Brother Malcolm
Official Web Site of Malcom X
Malcolm X (King Institute~Stanford University)
The Ballot or the Bullet (Social Justice Speeches)
How New York Times Distorted Malcolm on Self-Defense (Walter Lippmann)
Malcolm X (History)

March on Washington 1963

March on Washington for Jobs & Freedom (CRMA)
March on Washington (Multiple articles)
Remembrances of participants (CRMA)
March on Washington Documents
The Message Behind the March (Charlie Cobb~Washington Post, 8/28/13)

March on Washington (SNCC Digital Gateway)
Claiming & Teaching the 1963 MoW (Bill Fletcher ~ Teaching for Change)
MoW Online Teaching Quiz (Teaching For Change)
March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom (King Institute~Stanford)
Freedom's Ring, Interactive/audio (King Institute~Stanford)

March on Washington (Civil Rights Digital Library)
March on Washington (CORE)
March on Washington (SNCC 1960-1966)
Claiming & Teaching the 1963 MoW (Bill Fletcher~Teaching for Change)
MoW Online Teaching Quiz (Teaching For Change)
Forgotten Radical History of the (MoW) (William Jones~Dissent Spring 2013)
March On Washington (Bergie Lustig - march participant)
March on Washington & Civil Rights Act (Amistad Digital Resource)
MLK Delivers "I Have a Dream" Speech (Finding Dulcinea)
A Defense For Washington March, (Harvard Crimson)
The March on Washington (Black Culture Connection~PBS)
A Day Like No Other: Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the MoW (Library of Congress)

Program at the Lincoln Memorial
Speech of John Lewis
"I Have a Dream", speech by Martin Luther King

We Knew the FBI Spied on the March on Washington.... (Joshua Davis ~ Slate.Com 2023)
Can Dreams Come True? (Neda~Odyssey Student Trek)

See also JFK Library

March to Montgomery see Selma Voting Rights Campaign

Martyrs of the Movement

41 Lives For Freedom

Maryland Movement see Baltimore & Maryland

Ruby McCollum Murder Trial

Murder Trial of Ruby McCollum (CRMA)

Paramour Rights & Reparation Issues (C. Arthur Ellis, Black Commentator)
Case of Ruby McCollum (Time Magazine, Oct. 25, 1954)

McComb MS Movement

Voter Registration & Direct-Action in McComb MS (CRMA)
McComb Mississippi Incidents & Events. (Multiple articles)

"The Crawl Space" (Boston Latin School)
Mississippi & Freedom Summer (African American History!)
Civil Rights In Mississippi Digital Archive (USM):
      Oral history of Mr. Nathaniel H. Lewis
      Oral history of Rev. C.C. Bryant
      Response to the 13th and 14th bombings in McComb
McComb Legacies
Telling Their Stories video interviews (Oral history Archive Project)

Media Coverage of the Movement

Reporting Civil Rights (Library of America)
TV News of Civil Rights Era (Univ. Virginia)
Television News and the Civil Rights Struggle: ... (William Thomas,~Southern Spaces)
"Race Beat" panel discussion (UNC School of Journalism)

Medical Committee for Human Rights (MCHR)

MCHR & Manual for Volunteers (CRMA Document Collection)
March on Washington, 1963 (PMC~National Institutes of Health)
Medical Committee for Human Rights (SNCC Digital Gateway)

Memphis Garbage Workers Strike

Court Documents - MLK & Sanitation Workers (National Archives)
Memphis Sanitation Workers Strike (Civil Rights Digital Library)
At the River I Stand (California Newsreel)
A Shot Rings Out in the Memphis Sky (Neda~Odyssey Student Trek) Memphis, TN, Sanitation Workers Strike ... (GNAD~Swarthmore Coll.)
Memphis Strike: Martin Luther King's Last Campaign, Michael Honey (PRRAC)
Memphis Sanitation Workers' Strike (King Institute~Stanford University)
I Am a Man': The ugly Memphis sanitation workers' strike that led to MLK's assassination (Washington Post)

Meredith Desegregates 'Ole Miss, 1962

James Meredith Desegregates Ole Miss (CRMA)

Integrating Ole Miss (JFK Library)
'Ole Miss Integration (Civil Rights Digital Library)
Meredith Etc, a blog & small press

Ole Miss, 40 Years Later (National Public Radio~NPR)

Meredith Mississippi March Against Fear, 1966

Meredith Mississippi March and Black Power (CRMA)
Meredith March (SNCC Digital Gateway)
Black civil rights activist shot (BBC)
Meredith Mississippi (by Jo Freeman)
Remembering the Meredith March (Ray Goldstein)

Military, Desegregation of

Committee Against Jim Crow in the Military (PBS)
Integration of the U.S. Army (Center of Military History)
How Harry S. Truman went from being a racist to desegregating the military (Washington Post)
Truman ends racial segregation in armed forces, July 26, 1948 (Politico)

Miscegenation Laws Overturned

Loving v. Virginia (U.S. Supreme Court)
Unforgivable Blackness (For Teachers~PBS)

See also: Segregation — the "Jim Crow" System

Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP)

Freedom Ballot in MS (CRMA)
Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party Founded (CRMA)
MFDP Challenge to Democratic Convention (CRMA)
MFDP Congressional Challenge (CRMA)
Discussion: The Mississippi Movement & the MFDP (CRMA)
Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP) (Multiple articles)
Mississippi Congressional Challenge, (Multiple articles)
COFO/MFDP Documents (CRMA Documents Collection)
MFDP Founded (SNCC Digital Gateway)
MFDP Freedom Vote (SNCC Digital Gateway)
MFDP Holds State Convention (SNCC Digital Gateway)

Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP) (King Institute~Stanford University)
Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP) (SNCC 1960-1966)
Freedom Ballot (SNCC 1960-1966)
SNCC & MFDP (ROAR International)
Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (Fact Index)
Fighting For the Soul of the Democratic Party (John Dittmer~Yes!)
Mississippi & Freedom Summer (African American History!)
MFDP: A Case Stude of Grass-Roots Politics (Leslie McLemore~UMass, Amherst)
Freedom Strategy ... Democratic National Convention, (Debbie Elliot, NPR)
"I Question America" — Remembering Hamer's ..., (Peter Dreier~Huffington Post)
Aug. 6, 1964: Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party Convention (Zinn Education Project)
The Mississippi Challenge, by George Slaff (The Nation, 2008)

Mississippi Freedom Labor Union (MFLU)

Mississippi Freedom Labor Union Founded (CRMA~History & Timeline)
Greenville Air Force Base Occupied (CRMA~History & Timeline)
Mississippi Freedom Labor Union Documents (CRMA Document Collection)

Mississippi Freedom Labor Union Founded (SNCC Digital Gateway)

Mississippi Freedom Movement

Struggle for Voting Rights in Mississippi~The Early Years. (CRMA)
Got To Thinking...The Movement in Holmes Co, MS., Sue Sojourner.
Life in Mississippi, Fannie Lou Hamer. (Freedomways.)
Politics of Necessity & Survival in Mississippi, Lawrence Guyot & Mike Thewell. Freedomways
Veterans of the Mississippi Civil Rights Movement

Oh Freedom Over Me (American RadioWorks)
Interview: Bob Moses (Oh Freedom Over Me~American RadioWorks)
State of Seige: Mississippi Whites and the CRM (American RadioWorks)
Freedom Summer (King Institute~Stanford Univ)
Mississippi & Freedom Summer (African American History!)
Civil Rights in Mississippi Digital Archive (Univ. Southern Mississippi)
Voter Registration Laws in Mississippi ( Freedom School Curriculum)
The Mississippi Power Structure ( Freedom School Curriculum)
Hill Country Project (Local movement in Benton County)
Standing on My Sisters' Shoulders (Film) Women in the Movement.
ROAR (ROAR International)
Freedom Now! Archival project of Tougaloo College and Brown Univ..
Freedom Now: The Civil Rights Movement in Mississippi (Choices~Brown Univ)
Fighting For the Soul of the Democratic Party (John Dittmer~Yes!)
Whites in the Land of the Blues (Jane Adams)
Mississippi Civil Rights Project (Center for Preservation of Civil Rights Sites)
Mississippi Freedom Vote (SNCC Digital Gateway)
Hawkins v. Town of Shaw PDF (Maryland Law Review)
'A Shaky Truce' : Starkville Civil Rights Struggles, 1960-1980 (Mississippi State Univ.)
Port Gibson and Claiborne County CRM Emilye Crosby (Mississippi Encyclopedia)

See also individual sections covering:

Council of Federated Organizations (COFO)
Medgar Evers
Freedom Schools
Freedom Summer
Greenwood Movement
Grenada Movement
Fannie Lou Hamer
Hattiesburg Movement
Jackson Movement
Clyde Kennard Frameup
McComb Movement
Meredith Desegregation of 'Ole Miss
Meredith Mississippi March Against Fear
Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party
Mississippi Sovereignty Commission
Bob Moses
Voting Rights
Wednesdays in Mississippi

Chaney, Schwerner, Goodman Assasination
Herbert Lee Murder
Emmett Till Murder

Mississippi Sovereignty Commission

Mississippi Sovereignty Commission Online Archives (MS Archives & Library)
Notes on the Tangled MSC Legal Case (Hunter Bear~NAACP & SCEF)
Berkeley Free Speech Movement & the MSC (by Jo Freeman~SCLC)
The Mississippi State Sovereignty Commission: An Agency History (Mississippi History Now)
The Mississippi State Sovereignty Commission Civil Rights and States' Rights (University Press of Mississippi)

Montgomery Bus Boycott

Montgomery Bus Boycott (CRMA)
Organizing Before the Boycott by Jo Ann Robinson
Rosa Parks Discusses the Montgomery Bus Boycott, March 1956.
Report on Montgomery, Bayard Rustin, March 1956.
Montgomery Leader Tells His Story, Talk by E.D. Nixon. May, 1956. (WRL News)
White Support of the Montgomery Boycott, by Virginia Durr.
Back From 'Bama, Bayard Rustin. May, 1956. (WRL News)
Montgomery Bus Boycott — Biographic Skecthes (Trenholm State Archives)
Montgomery Story Comic Book (Fellowship of Reconciliation)
MIA Officers & Negotiation Committee During the Boycott
Even in the Face of Death, Bayard Rustin. Liberation, February, 1957.
First Boycott Leaflet (Womens Political Council)
Montgomery Bus Boycott (outline of)

Desegregation (Sit-ins, Buses, Schools)
Montgomery Bus Boycott (King Institute~Stanford Univ)
Browder v Gayle (King Institute~Stanford Univ)
Montgomery Bus Boycott (Civil Rights Digital Library)
Rosa Parks & the Montgomery Bus Boycott (Rosa Parks Facts)
Bus Boycott: Historical Documents (Teaching Tolerance~SPLC)
1956 Interview With Parks (Democracy Now~Pacifica Radio)
African Americans Boycott Buses for Integration ... (GNAD~Swarthmore Coll.)
Montgomery Bus Boycott (National Archives at Atlanta)
Montgomery Bus Boycott (African American History!)
Montgomery Bus Boycott (Amistad Digital Resource~Columbia University)
Montgomery Bus Boycott (LearningSite - UK)
Voices of the Montgomery Bus Boycott: How individuals contributed to a social movement (Montgomery Advertiser)
Montgomery Bus Boycott Begins (African American Registry)
Fightin' with Her Feet (Stephanie~Odyssey Student Trek)
Supreme Court Outlaws Bus Segregation (Finding Dulcinea)

Teaching the Montgomery Bus Boycott: 50 Years Later (

Montgomery, March to see Selma Voting Rights Campaign

Amzie Moore

Amzie Moore (SNCC Digital Gateway)
Moore, Amzie (American National Biography Online)
Moore, Amzie, 1911-1982 (Civil Rights Digital Library)
Amzie Moore Speaks (Harvey Richards Media Archive)
Amzie Moore (1911-1982) (BlackPast)

Harry & Harriette Moore

Murder of Harry & Harriette Moore (CRMA)

Legacy of Harry T. Moore (PBS)
Life of Harry Tyson Moore
"Who Was Harry T. Moore? (Michael Browning, Palm Beach Post)
Before His Time &mdashp Harry T Moore, A Historical Documentary (Randolph Bracy Jr ~ YouTube)
Dec. 25, 1951: Murder of Harriette and Harry Moore in Florida (Zinn Education Project)

Harry & Harriette Moore Memorial Website

Bob Moses

Bob Moses (SNCC Digital Gateway)
Bob Moses - Civil Rights (Boston Latin School)
Interview: Bob Moses (Oh Freedom Over Me~American RadioWorks)
Moses, Robert Parris (Civil Rights Digital Library)
Moses, Robert "Bob" Parris (Zinn Education Project)
Biography tracks evolution of Robert Parris Moses' civil rights leadership (Chicago Tribune)

Monroe NC Movement see Robert F. Williams...

The Movement Friends of SNCC Newspaper 1965-70 (Farmworkers)

Music of the Movement see Freedom Songs

~ N ~

Diane Nash

Diane Nash Bevel (SNCC Digital Gateway)
Nash, Diane (King Institute at Stanford Univ.)
Diane Nash (Biography~A&E Television Network)
Diane Judith Nash (1938-) (BlackPast)

Nashville Student Movement

Nashville Student Movement (CRMA)

Nashville Sit-Ins (Tennessee State Univ.)
Civil Rights Movement in Nashville (Nashville Public Library)
Sit-ins: Nashville, Tenn. (Civil Rights Digital Library)
Nashville — We Were Warriors (A Force More Powerful~Film)
Nashville Students Sit-in ... (GNAD~Swarthmore Coll.)

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

NAACP (NAACP website)
NAACP Constitution
Crises Online (NAACP magazine)

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 1909-1970 NAACP Timeline, NAACP (Archived)
How NAACP Began, Mary White Ovington. 1914 (Archived)

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), ( SNCC Digital Gateway ~ Duke Univ.)
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (King Institute)
NAACP: A Century in the Fight for Freedom (Library of Congress)
NAACP (Rise & Fall of Jim Crow~PBS)
The Walter White Project (Alliance for Networking Visual Culture~USC)
Mapping NAACP chapters 1912-1977 (Mapping American Social Movements ~ University of Washington)
Timeline History of the NAACP 1905-2008 (ThoughtCo)
The Early History of the NAACP: A Timeline 1909 to 1965 (ThoughtCo)

The Crisis (NAACP publication)

Internet Archive List of online issue resources.
Google Books Online issues (read-only) 1911-2011

Attacks on the NAACP, 1956-1964
Southern States Try to Destroy NAACP (CRMA)

NAACP v Alabama (U.S. Supreme Court
NAACP v Button [VA] (Cornell Law School)

See also Legal Defense & Education Fund (LDF) ("Ink Fund")

National Council of Negro Women (NCNW) & Dorothy Height

National Council of Negro Women

National Conference of Negro Women (1935-1970)
National Council of Negro Women (NCNW) (King Institute~Stanford Univ)
Dorothy Height (
Dorothy Height (1912-2010) (Democracy Now)
The Depth Of Dorothy Height (Michel Martin~NPR)

See also Wednesdays in Mississippi

New Orleans Movement & School Desegregation

New Orleans Merchant Boycotts & Sit-ins, 1960 (CRMA)
New Orleans School Desgregation, 1960 (CRMA)
Freedom March in New Orleans, 1963 (CRMA)

New Orleans school integration (Civil Rights Digital Library)
The Education of Ruby Nell by Ruby Bridges Hall (PDF)
New Orleans Citizens Boycott for Civil Rights ... (GNAD~Swarthmore Coll.)
A Class of One Interview With Ruby Bridges (Online News Hour - PBS)

New York Times v Sullivan & King Tax Case

State of Alabama v King (King Institute~Stanford Univ.)
New York Times Co. v. Sullivan (King Institute~Standford Univ.)
New York Times v Sullivan (Cornell Law School)
Analysis NYT v Sullivan "Actual Malice" Rule (Human and Constitutional Rights)
Summary of New York Times v Sullivan (Oyez~Chicago-Kent College of Law)
New York Times v Sullivan (Encyclopedia of Alabama)
New York Times Co. v. Sullivan (JUSTIA~U.S. Supreme Court)
Text of the Supreme Court's Opinion in Libel Case Against The New York Times (NYT~New York Times)

Nonviolent Resistance

Nonviolent Resistance articles (CRMA)

Civil Rights Movement And Violence (Guyana Jounal)
Interview with Malcolm X (Hartford Web Publishing)
SNCC & Non-Violence (SNCC 1960-1966)
The Transatlantic Impact of civil rights anthem "We Shall Overcome" (U.S. Studies Online ~ BAAS)
Why Non-Violence Waned & Black Power Gained (

Nonviolent Resistance in Today's World

A Force More Powerful (film, book, game, resources)
American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)
Albert Einstein Institution
Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR)
M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence
Institute for Study and Practice of Nonviolence
International Center on Nonviolent Conflict
A.J. Muste Memorial Institute
Nonviolence (Gene Sharp)
Nonviolence International
Pace e Bene Nonviolence Service
Peace Brigades International (PBI)
Resource Center for Nonviolence.
Training for Change
War Resisters League
Why Civil Resistance Works The Strategic Logic of Nonviolent Conflict PDF
Teaching Nonviolence - Promoting Social Justice, The World House Project (Stanford Univ.)

North Carolina Freedom Movements

From sit-ins to landmark lawsuits, NC role in Civil Rights Movement was huge' (The Charlotte Observer)
North Carolina Civil Rights Movement (North Carolina History Project)

See also sections covering:

Durham, NC, Movement
Greensboro Sit-ins

Northern Wing of the Civil Rights Movement

Freedom House Photographs [Boston], (Northeastern Univ)
Harlem CORE
Civil Rights in a Northern City: Philadelphia (Temple Univ)
Seattle Civil Rights & Labor History Project (Univ Washington)
RiseUp North: Newark & Detroit (Junius Williams)
The Civil Rights Movement Moves North (Univ. of Houston)
Off Camera: Civil Rights in the North (Nation magazine)
The Northern Civil Rights Movement (Univ. Washington)
Untold Story of the Civil Rights Movement — In the North (Beyond Chron, SF CA)
The fight for Civil Rights up North (International Socialist Review)
The Struggle for Civil Rights in the Urban North (Newberry Library)
The Untold Story of the Civil Rights Movement-In the North (Beyond Chron)

~ O ~

Oral Histories

List of Oral Histories collected by Shiela Michaels
Who Speaks for the Negro? (Vanderbilt Univ.). Audio interviews.
Southern Oral History Project (Univerity North Carolina-Chapel Hill)
Civil Rights History Project (American Folklife Center, Library of Congress)
Oral Histories of the American South (Documenting the American South~University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill)

See also Our Stories

Orangeburg SC Movement & Orangeburg Massacre of 1968

Student Protests & Boycotts — Orangeburg, SC, 1956 (CRMA)
Mass Arrest of Student Protesters, Orangeburg, SC., 1960 (CRMA)
Orangeburg SC, Freedom Movement, 1963 (CRMA)

Orangeburg, SC, Students Sit-in ... (1960) (GNAD~Swarthmore Coll.)

Remembering the 1968 Orangeburg Massacre (Brian Cabell~CNN)
Students Faced Water Hoses, Arrest in Downtown Orangeburg (Orangeburg Times & Democrat)
Orangeburg Massacre (History~A&E Television Networks)
In 1968, Three Students Were Killed by Police. Today, Few Remember the Orangeburg Massacre (Smithsonian)

~ P ~

Rosa Parks

Freedom Hero: Rosa Parks (Francisca Stewart, 4th Grade)
Rosa Parks at 100 (Time Magazine)
Rosa Parks "How I Fought for Civil Rights" (Scholastic) (Grades 7-8)
Rosa Parks: Pioneer of Civil Rights (Academy of Achievement)
Rosa Parks: Woman Who Changed a Nation (
On Rosa Parks' 100th Birthday, Recalling Her Rebellious Life (Democracy Now!)
Rosa Parks (National Women's History Museum)
What if Rosa Parks Didn't Move to the Back of the Bus (The Henry Ford)
Rosa Parks Biography, A Resource for Teaching Rosa Parks.

Lemuel Penn

July 11, 1964: Lemuel Penn Killed (Zinn Education Project)
Lemuel Penn (Arlington National Cemetary)
Lemuel Penn Murder (New Georgia Encyclopedia)

See also:
Martyrs of the Movement
41 Lives for Freedom

Pigford v Glickman "Black Farmers" Case

Pigford v. Glickman (Casetext)
Significant Dates on Black Land Loss and Land Acquisition (Civil Rights Teaching ~ Teaching For Change)
Black Farmers Discrimination Litigation Settlement (Pigford II)
The Pigford Cases: USDA Settlement of Discrimination Suits by Black Farmers (National Law Center)

See also Agriculture Stabilization & Conservation Service (ASCS) Elections

Photos of the Freedom Movement

Bob Fitch Photos.
Photos by Jo Freeman.
Reliving The Civil Rights Movement, In 55 Powerful Photos (All That's Interesting)

Poll Taxes

Poll tax as a form of social control ... (William Long~Atlanta Univ.
Injustice of the Poll Tax and ... (Andrew Kirshenbaum~FairVote)
24th Amendment: commentary (
Harper v. Virginia Board of Elections (Cornell Law School)
Poll Taxes (National Museum of American History~Behring Center)
Recalling an Era When the Color of Your Skin Meant You Paid to Vote (National Museum of African American History and Culture~Smithsonian)

Poor People's Campaign and Resurrection City

Poor People's Campaign (King Institute~Stanford Univ)
Poor People's Campaign (Civil Rights Digital Library)
Poor People's Campaign of 1968 and Resurrection City (Art McGee)
AFSC's history with Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King's Poor People's Campaign (AFSC)
Poor People's Campaign: ... for Economic Justice (Terry Messman~RP&E)
Story of the Poor People's Campaign Mule Train (~Mississippi Stories)
MLK's Multiracial Army for the Poor (The Mule Train) (Sheryll Cashin~Beacon Press)
POOR PEOPLE'S CAMPAIGN (DECEMBER 4, 1967-JUNE 19, 1968) (Black Past)
Poor Peoples Campaign: a National Call for Moral Revival (2018)

See also Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)

Prayer Pilgrimage for Freedom (King Institute~Stanford University)
Prayer Pilgrimage for Freedom, Washington, D.C (Civil Rights Digital Library)

~ Q ~

~ R ~

A. Philip Randolph

Randolph, A. Philip (1889-1979) (King Institute~Stanford Univ.)
Asa Philip Randolph (AFL-CIO)
James Reeb died in Selma 50 years ago today (Inspired Life~ Washington Post)
Reeb, James (King Institute~Stanford University)

Regional Council of Negro Leadership (RCNL)

Regional Council of Negro Leadership Established in Mississippi (CRMA)
RCNL Holds First Mass Meeting in Mississippi Delta (SNCC Digital Gateway)
Religion and the Civil Rights Movement-Background (Religion & Ethics Newsweekly~PBS)
The Role of the Church in the Civil Rights Movement (Senator Sam Ervin and the 1964 Civil Rights Act~University of North Carolina)

Repression against the movement see:

Alabama vs NAACP
FBI Against the Movement
Mississippi Sovereignty Commission
Orangeburg SC Massacre 1968
White Citizens Council (now known as "Council of Conservative Citizens)
Jimmy Lee Jackson Murdered
Martin Luther King Assasination
Herbert Lee Murder
Viola Luizzo Murder
Lemuel Penn Murder
Cold Case Investigations (Civil Rights Murders)

Gloria Richardson see Cambridge MD Movement & Gloria Richardson

Rock Hill Sit-ins see Charlotte & Rock Hill Sit-ins

Bayard Rustin

Bayard Rustin (SNCC Digital Gateway)
Bayard Rustin's Blueprint for Activism — and Perhaps Progress (NYU ~ News)
Brother Outsider: The Life of Bayard Rustin (P.O.V.~PBS)
Rustin, Bayard (1910-1987) (King Institute~Stanford University)
Baynard Rustin and the CRM, Daniel Levine. (PRRAC)

~ S ~

St. Augustine Movement

St. Augustine FL, Movement, 1963 (CRMA)
St. Augustine FL, Movement, 1964 (CRMA)
St. Augustine Movement. (Multiple articles)
St. Augustine Movement (Shirley Bryce~ACCORD)

St. Augustine Movement (King Institute~Stanford Univ.)
Passage at St. Augustine (Film)

St. Augustine Freedom Trail

57 years ago, my rabbi dad was arrested marching for civil rights (Avi Dresner ~ Forward)
Justice Justice 1964 ~ Journey to St. Augustine, video about Rabbis & 2014 50th Anniversary event.

Savannah GA Movement

Savannah Sit-ins & Boycott, 1960 (CRMA)
Savannah GA, Movement, 1963 (CRMA)
Siege at Savannah, Benjamin Van Clark. Freedomways

School Desegregation

CRMA History Articles
Student Strike at Moton High (1951)
Students and Parents Challenge School Segregation (1951)
NAACP Builds the Case (1951)
Brown v Board of Education (1954)
"Massive Resistance" to Integration (1954)
Clintion, Tennessee — First White School Desegregated (1956)
Autherine Lucy at the Univ. Alabama (1956)
Nashville "Grade-a-Year" School Desegregation Scheme (1957)
The Little Rock Nine (1957)
Youth March for Integrated Schools — Washington, DC (1958)
Prince Edward County, Virginia, Closes It's Public Schools (1959)
New Orleans School Desgregation (1960)
University of Georgia Desegregated (1961)
James Meredith Desegregates 'Ole Miss (1962)
Standing In the Schoolhouse Door (1963)
Massive Evasion of School Integration (1964)
Integrating Americus High School (1964)
Crawfordville, GA, School Bus Struggle (1965)
End of Dual White & "Colored" School Systems (1968)
Brown v. Board of Education 1950-1954

"A School Year Like No Other" ... (Teaching for Change~Zinn Education Project)
Desegregation (Sit-ins, Buses, Schools)
BvBoE Ruling (U.S. Supreme Court)
Brown v Board of Education, 347 U.S. 483 1954 (FindLaw)
BvBoE History & Background (African American History!)
Brown v BOE National Historic Site (National Park Service)
Brown Foundation (Brown Foundation)
Separate Is Not Equal (Smithsonian National Museum of American History)
Federal Records~BvVoE (National Archives)
Teaching With Documents Lesson Plan: BvBoE (National Archives)
School Desegregation in Nashville (John Egerton~Southern Spaces)
Virginia's "Massive Resistance" to School Desegregation (Univ of Virginia)
Civil Rights - Brown vs. Board of Education (Eisenhower Library)
Supreme Court Ends School Segregation (Finding Dulcinea)
The Struggle for Educational Freedom (Hurst, Lohrey, Hester)
History-Brown v. Board of Education Re-enactment (United States Courts)

Still Separate, Still Unequal:... (Jonathan Kozol~Harper's Magazine)
Looking Back at BvBoE 50th Anniversary (National Public Radio)
"With an Even Hand" BvBoE at 50 (Library of Congress)
Brown versus Board of Education - Resources (Civil Rights Digital Library)

"All Deliberate Speed" Ruling (AKA "Brown II") (1955)

With Little Deliberate Speed (African American History!)
With All Deliberate Speed - Lesson Plan (Anti-Defamation League)
With All Deliberate Speed (Library of Congress)

Griffin v. County School Board of Prince Edward County (1964)

Griffin v. School Board ( Court Center)

Green v. County School Board of New Kent County (1968)

Green v. County School Board of New Kent County (Cornell Univ. Law School)

College Desegregation

See Autherine Lucy vs University of Alabama (1956)
See University of Georgia, Desegregation of (1961)
See Meredith Desegregates 'Ole Miss (1962)

Mickey Schwerner see Chaney, Schwerner, Goodman Lynching

SCOPE Summer Project, 1965 see Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)

Segregation — the "Jim Crow" System

Birmingham Segregation Laws

Racial Desegregation of Public Accomodations (National Park Service)
Remembering Jim Crow (American Raido Works)
Rise and Fall of Jim Crow (PBS)
What was Jim Crow (Jim Crow Museum~Ferris State University)
A Brief History of Jim Crow (Constitutional Rights Foundation)
A Guide to Jim Crow Laws (Parker Waichman LLP)

Self-defense see:
      Bogalusa LA Movement
      Robert F. Williams, Monroe NC Movement, & Self-Defense

Selma Voting Rights Campaign & March to Montgomery

Selma — Cracking the Wall of Fear, 1963 (CRMA)
Freedom Day in Selma, 1963 (CRMA)
The Selma Injunction, 1964 (CRMA)
Selma & the March to Montgomery (A Discussion~CRMA)
Freedom Day in Selma (SNCC Digital Gateway)
Bloody Sunday (SNCC Digital Gateway)

National Park Service links:
      Selma-to-Montgomery March
      Selma to Montgomery Voting Rights March [Lesson Plan]
      Selma To Montgomery National Historic Trail
National Voting Rights Museum and Institute (Selma, Alabama)
Selma to Montgomery March (King Institute at Stanford Univ.)
When You Pray, Move Your Feet (Library of Congress)
African Americans Campaign for Voting Rights in Selma ... (GNAD~Swarthmore Coll.)
Selma-Montgomery March (Civil Rights Digital Library)
Police Attack Alabama Marchers (BBC)
Selma (African American History!)
LBJ Library
LBJ's "We Shall Overcome" Speech (History Place)
Selma to Montgomery -- A Visual History (Photographs by Spider Martin)
Civil Rights, Voting Rights, & Selma March (Amistad Digital Resource)
Selma-to-Montgomery March Begins (Finding Dulcinea)
Montgomery at 50, Emily Martin (Carlow in the World)

Ten Things You Should Know About Selma Before You See the Film,
And Justice For All... (Jennifer~Odyssey Student Trek)
Selma Bridge: Always Under Construction (Allen Tullos~Southern Spaces)
50th anniversary of the Selma-to-Montgomery Voting Rights March (Alabama State University )

See also JFK Library

Fred Shuttlesworth

Rev. Fred L. Shuttlesworth (Cincinnati Historical Society)

See also
Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights
Birmingham Movement
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)


Sit-Ins of 1960 (CRMA)
Rock Hill & Charlotte Sit-ins, J. Charles Jones.
Jacksonville Sit-ins & 'Ax-Handle Saturday
Freedom Movement in Washington DC, 1960-61, Triggs & Dietrich.

Desegregation (Sit-ins, Buses, Schools)
Sitting for Justice (Smithsonian Museum of American History)
International Civil Rights Center and Museum
Sit-Ins (King Institute~Stanford Univ.)
Sit-Ins (African American History!)
You Say You Want a Revolution (Irene~Odyssey Student Trek)
Justice (CORE~Online Archive California)
Student Protest (Amistad Digital Resource~Columbia University)
Virginia Union University Students Campaign ... (GNAD~Swarthmore Coll.)
Montgomery, AL students sit-in ... (GNAD~Swarthmore Coll.)
Jacksonville Students Sit-in ... (GNAD~Swarthmore Coll.)
Durham Students Sit-in ... (GNAD~Swarthmore Coll.)
Students Protest Segregation in Columbia, SC ... (GNAD~Swarthmore Coll.)
Tallahassee, FL, Students Sit-in ... (GNAD~Swarthmore Coll.)
Counter Histories (Southern Foodways Alliance)

See also entries for specific states and cities

South Carolina Freedom Movements

Students Protest Segregation in Columbia, SC ...(GNAD~Swarthmore Coll.)
Civil Rights Movement (South Carolina Encyclopedia~University of South Carolina)

See also Orangeburg SC Movement & Orangeburg Massacre

Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)

Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) Founded (CRMA)
Even in the Face of Death, Bayard Rustin. Liberation, February, 1957.
SCLC/SCOPE Project, Maria Gitin
SCLC Documents (CRMA Document Collection)

Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) Website
Springfield Community Center, Taliaferro County, GA. SCLC/SCOPE & Crawfordville movement.

Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), ( SNCC Digital Gateway ~ Duke Univ.)
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) (King Institute~Stanford Univ)
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) (New Georgia Encyclopedia)
Records of the SCLC, 1954-1970 (Lexis/Nexis PDF finding aid.)
This is SCLC (1960 pamphlet) (National Humanities Center)
Southern Christian Leadership Conference(SCLC) (National Park Service)
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (1957-) (Black Past)

SCLC's Summer Community Organization and Political Education Project (SCOPE)

SCOPE Articles & Memoirs by Freedom Movement Veterans
SCLC's SCOPE Project Documents
Letters & Field Reports from SCOPE Projects
SCOPE50: Preserving Civil Rights and The Story of Voting

SCOPE Project (King Institute~Stanford Univ.)
SCOPE project (Civil Rights Digital Library)
Dynamics of Idealism: Volunteers for Civil Rights (Univ Wisc)
Diary of a Young Civil Rights Worker (Lynn Goldsmith, Brandeis Univ.)

For more on SCLC see also sections covering:

Martin Luther King
Fred Shuttlesworth
Andrew Young
JFK Library

Southern Conference Education Fund (SCEF)

Southern Conference Educational Fund (SCEF), ( SNCC Digital Gateway ~ Duke Univ.)
Two Remarkable Women (Jo Freeman)
The South's Rebel Without A Pause (Heather Gray~In Motion)
Southern Conference for Human Welfare... (Indiana Univ.)

Southern Courier

Southern Courier (Sample issues & background~CRMA)
The Southern Courier
Southern Courier Archive (All issues)
Writing the Wrong in Alabama, Stephen Fee (Harvard Crimson)
The Southern Courier: A Paper For The People

Southern Student Organizing Committee (SSOC)

Southern Student Organizing Committee (SSOC) Founded (CRMA)

Southern Student Organizing Committee Alumni ~ Facebook

SSOC: Students in the South (Ed Hamlett~Online Archive California)
The Southern Student Organizing Committee and the White New Left (U.S. Studies Online~British Association for American Studies)
History of Southern Student Organizing Committee (SSOC) Undated (Digital Repository~Duke University Libraries)

Sovereignty Commission see Mississippi Sovereignty Commission

Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)

Students for a Democratic Society Documents 1962-1970.
Students for a Democratic Society (Ammons, Hunt, Felton, & Roberts ~ UGA class project). Students for a Democratic Society (The Freedom Archives)
Students for a Democratic Society (Internet Archive)
1960s: SDS (Christopher Newport University)

Students in the Freedom Movement see Youth and Student Role in Freedom Movement

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) ("snick")

SNCC Legacy Project (SLP)
SNCC Digital Gateway. (SNCC Legacy Project & Duke University)

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) Founded (CRMA)
The Founding of SNCC. (SNCC 50th Anniversary Conference)
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (Multiple articles)
SNCC Documents (CRMA Document Collection)
SNCC National Office (SNCC Digital Gateway)
Free Southern Theater (SNCC Digital Gateway)
Freedom Schools (SNCC Digital Gateway)
Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) (SNCC Digital Gateway)
Council of Federated Organizations (COFO) (SNCC Digital Gateway)
Highlander (SNCC Digital Gateway)
Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP) (SNCC Digital Gateway)
Freedom Singers (SNCC Digital Gateway)
Photography (SNCC Digital Gateway)
Communications (SNCC Digital Gateway)
SNCC: Importance of It's Work, Value of It's Legacy, Charles Cobb (SNCC Legacy Project)
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (Teaching for Change~Zinn Education Project)

Chicago SNCC History Project (Facebook page)
SNCC History and Geography (Mapping American Social Movements ~ University of Washington)
Hidden History of the SNCC Research Department, Derek Seidman (Little Sis)

Student Voice, SNCC Newsletter
      Student Voice & Internal Newsletters Sample issues (CRMvets)
      Student Voice All issues (Wisconsin Historical Society)

The Movement Friends of SNCC Newspaper 1965-70 (Farmworkers)

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (Teaching for Change~Zinn Education Project)
Founding of SNCC (SNCC Digital Gateway)
SNCC Debates Direct Action Voter Registration at Highlander (SNCC Digital Gateway)
SNCC 1960-1966. (Four students at Univ. North Carolina)
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) (King Institute~Stanford Univ.)
SNCC & MFDP (ROAR International)
SNCC: What We Did (Julian Bond~Monthly Review)
A Family Divided (Irene Huangyi Lin - Odyssey U.S. Trek)
SNCC (U.S. Defense Department Intelligence Report)
SNCC in Arkansas (Encyclopedia of Arkansas History & Culture)
SNCC in Georgia (New Georgia Encyclopedia)
SNCC and/in the North (Say Burgin ~ AAIHS)
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee in Alabama, Julia Wood, (Encyclopedia Alabama)

SNCC Listserve


We Shall Not be Moved: Life & Times of SNCC from 1988 conference. (Trinity College)
SNCC 50th Anniversary Conference
     Videos: SNCC 50th Anniversary Conference (38 DVDs).
SNCC Symposium 2010 (Brown Univ.)
U.S. Civil Rights Veterans Pass Torch to Younger Generation (Lucy Komisar)
Marking SNCC's 50th Anniversary (NPR)
Never Turn Back: SNCC's 50th Anniversary Gathering ... (Carl Davidson)

See also sections covering::

Ella Baker
Black Power
Julian Bond
Freedom Rides
Freedom Summer
Jim Forman
Fannie Lou Hamer
John Lewis
Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP)
Robert (Bob) Moses
Diane Nash
Kwame Ture (Stokely Carmichael)
Student Strike at Moton High
Moton High School (National Park Service)
The Road to Brown (documentary film).
Interview Oliver Hill (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.)
Interview John Stokes (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.)
African Americans Campaign for Reopening ... (GNAD~ Swarthmore Coll.)
Barbara Johns Leads Prince Edward County Student Walkout (SNCC Digital Gateway)

Summer Community Organization and Political Education (SCOPE) Project see Southern Christian Leadership Conference

~ T ~

Tallahassee Bus Boycott

Tallahassee Black Community Boycotts Buses ... (GNAD~Swarthmore Coll.)
Images of the Civil Rights Movement in Florida (Florida Memory)
The ride to equality started 60 years ago (Gerald Ensley~Tallahassee Democrat)
Tallahassee Bus Boycott (NEEC~National Education and Empowerment Coalition)

Tennessee Freedom Movement

Civil Rights Movement (Tennessee Encyclopedia of History and Culture)
Civil Rights Movement in Tennessee (Middle Tennessee State University)
Tennessee's Modern Movement for Civil Rights (Tennessee State Museum)
        Civil Rights Movement ( ~ Tennessee State Museum)
National Civil Rights Museum (Lorraine Motel, Memphis)
"Tent City," Tennessee (Richard L. Saunders~Paul Meek Library Museum)

Texas Freedom Movement

Civil Rights and Conservatism (Texas Our Texas~PBS)
Brown, Black, and White in Texas (Southern Spaces, 3/13/2012)
Houston Civil Rights Movement (Blog posting)
Texas Civil Rights Movement Wins Big Victories (Bob Feldman)
Black students sit-in for U.S. civil rights, Marshall, TX (GNAD~Swarthmore Coll.)
How UT Students — and Eleanor Roosevelt — Integrated the Drag (The History Corner ~ Univ. Texas)
Desegregation of Austin's Movie Theatres, (Austin Chronicle 12/4/15)
Civil rights in Texas (TSHA~Texas State Historical Association)

Emmett Till

Emmett Till Lynched
Emmett Till Murdered (SNCC Digital Gateway)
Emmett Till murdered! (African-American Registry)
Emmett Till murder (Civil Rights Digital Library)
They Stand Accused James Hicks (Christopher Metress )
Lynching of Emmett Till (In Search of Heroes)
Murder of Emmett Till (American Experience - PBS)
Murder of Emmett Till (African American History!)
Till, Emmett Louis (1941-1955) (King Institute~Stanford University)
Emmett Till Memory Project (ETMP), interactive website

Third World Liberation Front (TWLF) Student Struggles

The Black Campus Movement: An Afrocentric Narrative History of the Struggle to Diversify Higher Education, 1965-1972. Dissertation by Ibram Xolani Kendi (Ibram Henry Rogers), Temple University. 2009. (PDF 427 pages)

San Francisco State College 1968-69 Strike
BSU/TWLF-Led Student & Faculty Strike Documents (CRMA)
BSU/TWLF-Led Student & Faculty Strike Chronology (CRMA)
SFSC Student-led Strike Materials (SFSU Library)
SFSC Student-led Strike, Digital Strike Collection (SFSU Library Archives)
SFSC Student-led Strike Documents (SFSU Library Archives)
SFSC Student-led Strike Posters (SFSU Library Archives)
Third World Strike at San Francisco State and its Legacy (Peter Shapiro ~ Unity News. 2022)
The Student Strike That Changed Higher Ed Forever (National Public Radio ~ NPR)
Remembering the Strike (S.F. State Magazine )
The 1968 San Francisco State Student Strike (Meredith Eliassen ~ Organization of American Historians)
Faculty on Strike Against Racism: Lessons from the SF State Strike (Sara Smith-Silverman ~ Activist History Review)
STRIKE!... Concerning the 1968-69 Strike at SF State (FoundSF)
The Student Strike that Won Ethnic Studies and Black Student College Admissions (Epstein & Stringer ~ JAAS) PDF
1968: The strike at San Francisco State (Jason Ferreira ~ BayView, 2018)
Shut it Down! A College in Crisis: SF State College (Report to NCCPV ~ Nixon administration) PDF

University of California, Berkeley 1969 Strike
Third World Liberation Front Research Initiative (U.C. Berkeley Center for Race and Gender)
Claiming What is Ours (Cordero & Gonzales ~ Against the Current)
Legacy of Third World Liberation Front continues today (Nina Narahari ~ Daily Californian)

Kwame Ture (Stokely Carmichael)

Kwame Ture (In Memory~CRMA)
Stokely Carmichael (SNCC Digital Gateway)

Position Paper: The Basis of Black Power (The '60s Project)
"Black Power" speech, 1968 (American Rhetoric)

Tuskegee Boycott (Butler Chapel, National Park Service)

~ U ~

University of Alabama, Desegregation of

Standing In the Schoolhouse Door (CRMA)

University of Alabama Integration (Civil Rights Digital Library)
Malone Hood Plaza (University of Alabama)
George Wallace Stood at the Doorway at the University of Alabama 50 Years Ago Today (U.S. News & World Report~U.S. News)

See also Autherine Lucy vs University of Alabama

University of Georgia, Desegregation of

University of Georgia Desegregated, 1961 (CRMA)

Charlayne Hunter-Gault (New Georgia Encyclopedia)
Hamilton Holmes (New Georgia Encyclopedia)
University of Georgia Integration (Civil Rights Digital Library)

Georgia Tech Integration (Civil Rights Digital Library)

University of Mississippi, Desegregation of see Meredith Desegregates 'Ole Miss, 1962

~ V ~

Vietnam War & Civil Rights Movement

Articles & Speeches Opposing the Vietnam War by Movement Veterans (CRMA)
Freedom Movement Documents Related to the Vietnam War (CRMA)

Vietnam War (SNCC 1960-1966)
Vietnam War (1961-1975) (King Institute~Stanford University)
Vietnam War & Civil Rights Movement (Brendan Gallagher~UK)
Civil Rights and the Vietnam War Era (National Museum of African American History & Culture)

Virginia Freedom Movements

Civil Rights Movement in Virginia (Virginia Historical Society)
Civil Rights in U.S. and Virginia History (University of Virginia)
Voices of Freedom (Virginia Commonwealth University)
Civil Rights Movement in Middleburg VA (Eugene Scheel)
Griffin v. School Board ( Court Center)
Farmville 1963 Civil Rights Protests (Virginia Commonwealth University)
Freedom Now Project Images from the summer of 1963, Farmville, Va. (Virginia Commonwealth University)
Massive Resistance in a Small Town (Humanities~NEH)
Farmville Protests of 1963, (Encyclopdia of Virginia)
Keeping the civil rights movement's past alive in Virginia (The Post's View~The Washington Post)

See also sections covering:

Danville Movement
The Norfolk 17, Virginia school integration (Old Dominium University)

C.T. Vivian

Vivian, Cordy Tindell (King Institute~Stanford Univ.)
Vivian, Cordy Tindell (
The C.T. Vivian Foundation

Voting Rights

Voting Rights — Are You "Qualified" to Vote? Literacy Tests. (CRMA)
Voting Rights in America — Two Centuries of Struggle (CRMA)

Voting Rights
Expanding Voting Rights (Teaching Tolerance)
Winning the Vote: A History of Voting Rights by Steven Mintz (Lehrman Institute)
Voting Rights Milestones in America: A Timeline (
Asian American History Timeline
History of Federal Voting Rights Laws (Dept. of Justice)
Introduction to Federal Voting Rights Laws (Dept. of Justice)

See also:
Voting Rights Act
Voting Rights Act Renewal
Civil Rights Acts
Mississippi Movement
Selma Voting Rights Campaign

Voting Rights Act Renewal

Renew the Voting Rights Act (CRMA)
The Voting Rights Act (ACLU)
Reaffirm Commitment to Voting Rights Act (National Council of Churches)

~ W ~

Wednesdays in Mississippi

Community Organizing II: Wednesdays in Mississippi (Jewish Women's Archive)
Excerpts from the Report from Polly Cowan, Project Coordinator, 1964 (JWA)
Wednesdays in Mississippi (Liza Cowan)
Wednesdays in Mississippi: Introductory Essay by Judith Rosenbaum (Jewish Women's Archive)

See also National Council of Negro Women & Dorothy Height

We Shall Overcome

We Shall Overcome (Library of Congress)
The History of 'We Shall Overcome' (NPR)

"We Shall Overcome" — Martin Luther King

Performances: [Blocked by copyright barriers.]

We Shall Overcome Historic Places National Park Service. (Click on the red location circles.)

Civil Rights Trail

White Citizens Council (now known as "Council of Conservative Citizens)

White Citizens Council Formed (CRMA)

Council of Conservative Citizens (Anti-Defamation League)
White Citizens Councils (WCC) (King Institute~Stanford Univ.)
People & Events: Citizens' Councils (American Experience~PBS)
Council of Conservative Citizens (Southern Poverty Law Center)

See also Ku Klux Klan (KKK)

Robert F. Williams, Monroe NC Movement, & Self-Defense

Robert Williams & Armed Self-Defense in Monroe NC (CRMA)
Frame-up, Escape, & Exile of Robert F. Williams (CRMA)

Speech by U.S. Negro Leader Robert Williams, given in Peking China (today Bejing), August 1966. (Peking Review)
Robert F. William (Alternative Tentacles Records)
Negroes With Guns: Untold History of Black NRA Gun Clubs & CRM (Guns & Ammo)

Women In the Civil Rights Movement

Women of the Freedom Movement (CRMA)
Women Who Shaped the Civil Rights Movement. (Yale Univ.)
I Can't Deal With Her: Black and White Women in the Movement, by (Ruby Sales)
Jewish Women in Civil Rights (Jewish Women's Archive)
Selfless Servant Leadership of the African-American Women of the CRM (Nation magazine)
PAYWALL Women in the Civil Rights Movement (Library of Congress)

~ X ~

~ Y ~

Andrew Young

Andrew Young (New Georgia Encyclopedia)
Andrew Young (Audio Interview) (Tavis Smiley Show)

Youth and Student Role in Freedom Movement

When Youth Protest: The Mississippi Civil Rights Movement (MS Hist. Society)
Student Protest (Amistad Digital Resource~Columbia University)
Celebrating Black History: The Children's Crusade lesson plan.
Youth in the Civil Rights Movement (Library of Congress)
Student Activism and the Mississippi Freedom Struggle (Black Perspectives~African American Intellectual History Society)

See also Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)
See also Third World Liberation Front (TWLF) Student Struggles

Youth March for Integrated Schools 1958

Youth March for Integrated Schools (King Institute~Stanford Univ.)
Address at Youth March (King Institute~Stanford Univ.)

~ Z ~


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