Students for a Democratic Society Documents


SDS Bulletins & Newsletters
SDS Research, Theory & Position Papers
SDS Organizing Materials
SDS Conference & Convention Materials
Reports, Plans, Proposals, & Internal Documents
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SDS Bulletins & Newsletters

12/64 SDS Bulletin Nov-Dec 1964, Vol 3 #3. Elections, university, unemployed, chapter reports, etc. (32 pages, pages missing)
1965 SDS Bulletin January 1965. (20 pages)
1965 SDS Regional Newsletter (Northern Calif.) Jan 24, 1965. (21 pages)
1965SDS Bulletin, May 1965 Vol 3 #7. SDS March on Washington, Mississippi Challenge, National Council.
1965 SDS Bulletin Nov? 1965. (43 pages)
1965 ERAP Newsletter. Unsigned, SDS. 10/20/65. SDS inner-city organizing projects. 12 pages.
11/22/65 Los Angeles, CA. SDS Bulletin #3, November 22, 1965, organizational matters, walk for peace in Vietnam. (13 pages)
1965 SDS Journal, Kansas University SDS. December 1965. 8 pages.
1965 The Voice student activism newsletter, Pallisades High School, Los Angeles CA. December 6, 1965. 8 pages.
1965 SDS Bulletin and contacts. Los Angeles CA. 12/7/65. 6 pages.
1966 SDS Regional Newsletter (Northern Calif.) Feb 22, 1966. (22 pages)
1968 Northern California SDS Regional Conference. Feb 3-4, 1968. (21 pages)

SDS Research, Theory & Position Papers

1962 Student Social Action, Tom Hayden, SDS. (11 pages)
1962 The South as an Underdeveloped Country, Rob Burlage, SDS. (9 pages).
1962 The Port Huron Statement, Tom Hayden and other SDS activists. June 15, 1962. (41 pages). (HTML version).
6/62 SDS Constitution circa 1962. (4 pages).
9/62 Students and Labor, Alan Haber, SDS. (20 pages).
1962 Just a Matter of Timing? Critique of Kennedy administration inaction on civil and voting rights. Tom Hayden, SDS. Liberation, October 1962. (3 pages).
12/62 A White America in a Non-White World, Noel Day, SDS. (11 pages).
12/62 The University and the Cold War, Paul Potter, SDS. (8 pages).
62? '63?Research and Education in Community Action Projects, Paul Potter, SDS. Undated, probably 1962 or 1963. (10 pages)
1963 An Interracial Movement of the Poor?, Tom Hayden and Carl Whitman (SDS) 25-page working paper.
1963 The Power of the Dixiecrats, Tom Hayden. SNCC/SDS, Spring 1963. (Presented at SNCC conference, then republished by SDS) (12 pages).
1963 Finding and Making Leaders, Nicolas von Hoffman, SDS. Reprinted by CORE 1965. (14 pages).
1963America and the New Era, unsigned SDS. Undated probably mid-1963. (23 pages)
6/63The Intellectual As an Agent of Social Change, Paul Potter speech to SDS convention. June 1963. (8 pages)
8/63 The Doctrine of Unfreedom, University Reform, and Campus Political Parties, Donald McKelvey, SDS. (7 pages).
8/63 Will Negroes Use Guns?, Harlan Joye, Common Sense. August 1963. (10 pages)
9/63 Student Political Action 1960-1963, the view of a participant. Todd Gitlin, SDS. (19 pages).
10/63? Students and Economic Action, Carl Whitman, SDS. Undated, probably October 1963 (9 pages)
12/63 Chester PA Jobs, Community Organizing in the Other America, by SDS, Committee For Freedom Now of Chester, Swarthmore Political Action Club. (12 pages)
12/63? Liberals and Reality, Sumner Rosen, SDS/Politial Action for Peace (PAX). Undated (possibly December 1963) (7 pages)
63? 64? Liberal Analysis and Federal Power, Tom Hayden, SDS. Undated (probably late 1963 or early 1964). (7 pages).
1964 Goldwater and the White Backlash, Tom Kahn, SDS Political Education Project. 1964. (10 pages).
3/64 Politics 1964 — Corporatism and Crisis, by Eugene Feingold, Tom Hayden, SDS. (13 pages).
1965 Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party: Background and Recent Developments, Steve Max, SDS/PEP. (18 pages).
1964? University Reform, Shelley Blum, SDS. Undated (possibly 1964) (5 pages)
1965 SNCC: The Qualities of Protest (review & discussion of Zinn's "The New Abolitionists), Tom Hayden, SDS. "Studies on the Left," winter 1965. (12 pages).
1965Thoughts on Berkeley, Paul Goodman. New York Review of Books. Re Free Speech Movement. Undated 1965.
1965Bibliography of the American Economy. Lee Webb, SDS. February 1965.
4/65 The New Radicals & "Participatory Democracy", Staughton Lynd, Dissent. (8 pages)
64? 65? Smash the Draft, April 26. Unsigned S.F. State Draft Resistance Union (SDS). Undated April 26, (possibly 1965 or 1966)
9/64 Goldwaterism: Its Origin and Impact, Jim Willians, SSOC/SDS. (10 pages)
1964 Our Crisis Economy, Ray Brown, SDS. Undated 1964.
1965 Organizing the Knowledge Industry, Clark Kissinger, SDS. March 1965.
1965 Trapped in a System, Carl Oglesby, SDS. Speech on Vietnam War and U.S. Foreign policy. 11/27/65. 8 pages.
12/65 High School Reform, Towards a Student Movement, M. Kleinman, SDS. High School Reform, Towards a Student Movement. (5 pages)
8/66Toward a Student Syndicalist Movement or University Reform Revisted. Carl Davidson, SDS. SSOC reprint. August 1966 SDS Convention
6/67 U.S. Policy Towards China Since World War II, draft study-guide by Henry Haslech Jr, SDS Radical Education Project. (9 pages).
Fall '68Through the Looking Glass, a Radical Guide to Stanford. Stanford SDS (42 pages)
1968 Toward a Female Liberation Movement, Beverly Jones & Judith Brown SSOC/SDS. New England Free Press. Undated 1968. 40 pages.
12/68 A History of the New Left, 1960-1968, by James O'Brien, SDS & Radical America. (32 pages).
6/69Vietnam and the Pacific Rim Strategy, Peter Wiley, REP. June 1969 (19 pages)
6/69Bread and Roses, Kathy McAfee & Myrna Wood. REP. June 1969. (20 pages.)
9/69 The Political Economy of Women's Liberation, Margret Benston, REP. September 1969 (16 pages)

SDS Organizing Materials

7/63 The Survey and Community Organizing, Nick Egelson, SDS/ERAP. (8 pages)
10/63 The Bruns Strike, a Case Study in Student Participation in Labor. Clark Kissinger, SDS. (5 pages)
1963-64 Students for a Democratic Society national brochure.
3/64 The March on Frankfort, A Study in Protest Organization, Jim Williams, SDS/PEP. (10 pages).
9/24/64  Flyer: Should the Left Support Johnson? And Mike Miller on Community Organizing—A Tool For Organzing. Unsigned UCB SDS
1965 How About the Draft!, unsigned SDS flyer. Undated (possibly 1965)
1965? Students for a Democratic Society! Brochure. Unsigned SDS SF Bay Area. Undated (possibly 1965).
1965? SDS Needs Staff application form. Unsigned, SDS. Undated (possibly 1965)
1/65 We Shall Overcome, Register-Vote, MFDP/PEP/SDS poster/cover. Steve Max. Undated, possibly January 1965
2/10/65 Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party paper promotion flyer, Jim Williams SDS/PREP. February 10, 1965
3/19/65 March 19 Student Action Against American Support of South African Apartheid, Peace Research and Education Project of SDS. March 19, 1965. (8 pages).
4/16/65 Statement on Student March on Washington (Opposing SDS-organized march opposing the Vietnam War), Bayard Rustin, Norman Thomas and others, April 16, 1965
4/17/65 A Call to Students, March on Washington to End the War in Vietnam. SDS.
4/17/65 What You Can Do, March Against the Vietnam War. Washington DC. SDS.
4/17/65 Agenda & Petition, March Against the Vietnam War. Washington DC. SDS.
4/17/65 Against the Vietnam War, speech by Paul Potter, SDS at mass protest in Washington DC
4/65 Brothers and Sisters, memo re April anti-war march in Washington and plan of action. Paul Booth & Todd Gitlin. Undated (probably late April or early May 1965)
1965Memo to Bruce Hartford re SDS literature. Judy Pardun, SDS. 6/22/65.
8/7/65Dear Friend, description and fund appeal for JOIN interracial convention of poor people in Newark NJ. Rennie Davis, SDS.
1965 SDS -- Or the Draft?, unsigned Los Angeles SDS. Undated (possibly 1965)
10/30/65Stop the War! Stop the Draft? flyer, UC Berkeley SDS.
10/30/65Where Do We Go? flyer UC Berkeley SDS.
11/27/65 Carl Oglesby Speech, March Against the Vietnam War. Washington DC. SDS.
1965 SDS Regional Conference. Southern California. 12/17/65. 6 pages.
65? 66? The Grape Society, report on the Delano CA grape workers strike by unsigned SDS. Undated (probably late 1965 or early 1966)
65? 66? The Other California, support flyer National Farm Workers Association (NFWA) grape strike, Los Angeles SDS. Undated (probably late 1965 or early 1966)
65? 66? Smash the Draft, April 26. Unsigned S.F. State Draft Resistance Union (SDS). Undated April 26, (possibly 1965 or 1966)
1966? A Movement of Many Voices ..., Economic Research and Action Project (ERAP) recruitment pamphlet, Tom Hayden, SDS. Undated (possibly 1966) (31 pages)
1966 Call for an Examination of Conscience, protest flyer against the "Vietnam Exam." Unsigned SDS. May 1966.
10/67What is SDS, recruitment flyer. SFSC. October 1967
10/67A Proposal for Election Day, four members of SFSC SDS (PL faction). October 1967
10/67SFS: Another Berkeley or Another Columbia Unsigned Bay Area Labor Committee (PL?) Political anayses
67-69?Is the Draft in Your Future?, unsigned UC Berkeley SDS. Undated (probably 1967-1969)
67-68?No Aid and Comfort for the CIA! Unsigned SDS. Undated (probably 1967-1968)
4/68 The Americana Game, San Francisco State College SDS.
6/69Vietnam and the Pacific Rim Strategy, Peter Wiley, REP. June 1969 (19 pages)
8/69 Political Direction of SDS, Jack Bloom, Marilyn Morehead(?), Jack Gerson (ISC)
Fall '68What is SDS?, flyer. San Francisco State College SDS
Fall 1968 Elections? ... A Better Answer, San Francisco State College SDS

SDS Conference & Convention Materials

6/13/65 Won't You Come? SDS National Convention, Camp Maplehurst, Kewadin MI.
6/67 Statement to SDS National Convention, Women's Liberation Workshop
10/68 Boulder and Boulder, material from SDS national conference, Boulder CO. (11 pages)
7/69 To Our Brothers and Sisters in SDS, statement by Radical Student Union (RSU) of Berkeley(?) re Black Panthers and women. Unsigned, undated (possibly July 1969)
7/69 Statement re community control of police, conduct of convention, SDS national office. Unsigned RSU. Undated (possibly July 1969)

Reports, Plans, Proposals, & Internal Documents

1950sThe Student Movement in the 50s, a Reminiscence. Andre Schriffrin. Radical America, 1968
3/1/64 Prospectus for Economic Research and Action Project in Chester PA, summer 1964
1965 ERAP Fall Program Report to the National Council, Rennie Davis, SDS. 1965
1965Memo from Paul Potter to SDS activists re anti-Vietnam War efforts and internal development. May 1, 1965
6/7/65 Institute on Organizing for Social Action, SDS-ERAP, June 7-14
1965On Organizing Poor Whites, Casey Hayden, SNCC/SDS. Aug 27, 1965
10/19/65Dear Friend of SDS, report to supporters. C. Clark Kissinger, SDS
Fall '65 To whom it may concern in SDS, a snarky criticism. Bruce Hartford
65? 66? Report From the San Francisco Regional Office, Tom Goff, SDS. Undated (possibly 1965 or 66)
67? 68? The Black Panther Party: Toward the Liberation of the Colony, draft resolution, Ed Jennings, SDS. Undated (probably 1967-69) (3 pages)
67? 68? Where It's At: A Research Guide For Community Organizing, Paul Booth, Mimi Feingold, Carl Whitman, Jill Hamberg, Nancy Gitlin, Howard Epstein. (95 pages)
2/7/68 H. Rap Brown political prisoner (page missing?) Unsigned, SDS. February 7, 1968

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