Civil Rights Movement Documents
Black Power 1965-1968

See also Black Power Articles by Freedom Movement Veterans

1966The Basis of Black Power, discussion paper by members of SNCC's Atlanta Project, Spring 1966.
1966 Black Power (discussion paper from SNCC's Atlanta project, as reprinted later in 1966)
1966?The Roots of "Black Power", unsigned SNCC. Undated (probably 1966)
1966 Black Consciousness, memo to SNCC staff from Janet Jemott, Bob Paris, Dona Richards, Doug & Tina Harris re African-Afro-American cultural program. Undated 1966.
1966Memo to Staff re, John Lewis' resignation and Stokely Carmichael, SNCC Communications, July 26, 1966
1966 Dear Friend letter to supporters by CORE National Director Floyd McKissick re white racism, Black Power, CORE, and the Freedom Movement. Undated (probably October, 1966)
1966NAACP Letter to Supporters re Black Power, Roy Wilkins
1966Statement on Poverty, Black Power, and Political Power, Martin Luther King.
1966? Black Power and its Challenges, Berkeley conference. Unsigned. October 29 1966
1966?In Defense of Black Power, Sy landy and Charles Capper. ISC/SDS. Undated (Possibly 1966)
1966 Some Comments From the Staff Meeting and Why White People Should be Excluded From the Meeting, Unsigned, SNCC. Undated 1966
1966What's the Matter with Black Power, Rev Donald Szantho Harrington, SNCC. October 2, 1966
1966Black Power and the Disrobing of White Liberality, John J Waggy. Dist. by SNCC. October 23, 1966
1966 Watts Speech (Black Power), Stokely Carmichael, SNCC. November 26 1966
1966We Want Black Power, SNCC. Undated 1966. 12 pages
Stokeley Carmichael Chicago Speech
Why Black Power?
1966Chicago SNCC Black Power Project, application form. Undated 1966
1966Black Power -- New Imperialist Hoax Unsigned Communist Party (Marxist Leninist). Criticism of Black Power. Undated 1966.
1967 Speech at the University of Puerto Rico, Stokely Carmichael, SNCC. January 25 1967
1967Letter to Amzie Moore re National Conference on Black Power, Nathan Wright, NCBP. February 15, 1967
1967 Anti- Semitism and Black Power, James Baldwin & Ossie Davis. Freedomways, 1st Quarter, 1967
1967 Letter to: Revolutionary Brothers and Sisters, Black Power Committee, Howard University. April 22, 1967
1967 National Conference on Black Power announcement, Nathan Wright, NCBP. May 2, 1967
1967 Black Power and the Third World, Stokely Carmichael, SNCC. OLAS meetin Havana Cuba, summer 1967. SSOC reprint. 13 pages.
1967 Speech to Black Caucus of NCNP by James Forman, September 2nd. (National Conference for New Politics held in Chicago.)
1967?Black People's Convention flyer, Unsigned, SNCC. September 9 1967?
1968Dialectics of Black Power, Robert Allen, Guardian newspaper. January 1968
1968"Black Power" is Black Pride, Elliot Bovelle for Poor Peoples Campaign, April 1968
1968 Black Power Rally Against Columbia University flyer, unsigned New York-Harlem CORE. 4/20/68

See also Lowndes County Freedom Organization/Black Panther Party (Multiple articles)

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