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A Question for You. We're trying to develop ways to improve the site, and it would help us if we knew how you are using it, and what you find most valuable. Also, we'd love to hear any suggestions you might wish to make. We thought about doing a formal "click-on" type survey, but it seems simpler all around to just ask you to email your thoughts to us at:
According to Google, there were 16,073 visits to the CRMA website during September for an average of 536 per day. This is approximately 5% more than September of last year. Roughly 23% of our visitors came from outside the U.S.
As of October 1st, our online archive contains 9543 searchable pages, documents, and images, plus 255 videos in our Vimeo video channel.
Ever since Bay Area Veterans of the Civil Rights Movement established the CRMA (formerly known as "CRMVet") in late 1999, it has been funded by personal donations from Freedom Movement activists and individual supporters. We carry on this work without any institutional support, foundation grants, or philanthropy contributions of any kind. So if you find our CRMA site useful and worthy, please click here to make a donation to keep us alive and growing. Thank you for anything you are able to contribute.
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SNCC Legacy Project (SLP) . SLP was begun to preserve and extend SNCC's legacy. Although SNCC the organization no longer exists, we believe that its legacy continues and needs to be brought forward in ways that continue the struggle for freedom, justice and liberty. The SLP Digital Movement Platform connects modernday users to the mid-twentieth century Southern Civil Rights Movement.
SNCC Digital Gateway. SNCC Legacy Project & Duke University. Tells the story of how young activists in SNCC united with local people in the Deep South to build a grassroots movement for change that empowered the Black community and transformed the nation.
Teaching for Change and Zinn Education Project . Provides teachers and parents with the tools to create schools where students learn to read, write and change the world by promoting and supporting the teaching of people's history in middle and high school classrooms across the country.
Veterans of the Mississippi Civil Rights Movement. Empowering the next generation, passing it on to carry it on by preserving the history of the Mississippi Movement.
Chicago SNCC History Project. Tells the Stories of Chicago Area Friends of SNCC (CAFSNCC), its relationship to SNCC, it's pivotal role in shaping the fight for freedom in Chicago between 1960-1965, and preserves that history as a legacy for the young people who are continuing the fight for freedom, justice and peace.
SCOPE 50. Preserving Civil Rights and The Story of Voting. Website of SCLC/SCOPE project activists.
Available Now: Standing, by Ernest McMillan. Deep Vellum, 2023. Memoir of a SNCC organizer's coming-of-age through the Freedom Movement — Atlanta GA sit-ins, voter-registration in rural Georgia, Selma Alabama, 1964 Democratic Convention Challenge, Texas SNCC, Black Power, welfare rights, prison, and more.
Movement Art: If you are aware of any works of art related to the Freedom Movement such as paintings, drawings, murals, statues, and so on, please take a look at our Civil Rights Movement Art page to see if we already have an image of it in our collection. If it isn't included in our collection please email us an image we can post, or a weblink, or some other information that we can use. Thanks.
Movement Materials: Please continue to email to us documents, letters, reports, stories, and other Southern Freedom Movement materials from the period 1950-1970. See Submissions details.
According to Google, our top-five, most-visited sections and pages in September were:
Section Contents, Landing & Reference Pages
- Are You "Qualified" to Vote? — Literacy Tests & Voter Applications
- Original Freedom Movement Documents
- Freedom Rides and Freedom Riders Resources
- Freedom Movement Bibliography
- Poems of the Civil Rights Movement
Individual Pages & Documents
- Alabama Voter Literacy Test
- Louisiana Voter Application and Literacy Tests
- An Appeal For Human Rights (Atlanta Student Movement)
- Civil Rights Movement History: 1960 (student sit-ins)
- Voter Registration in Alabama Before the Voting Rights Act
(Google does not count how often PDF files are accessed. Since most of our documents are in PDF format, the "Top Five" lists are not all that accurate.)
Our CRMA Video Channel on the Vimeo hosting service provides videos created by Freedom Movement veterans (or their immediate families) and videos created by others that are substantially about Movement veterans. When you visit the channel, please consider adding yourself as a "follower" for social-media metrics. Thanks.
New videos posted in September :
60th-22 Building Political Alliances and Coalitions, Heather Booth, Denise Diaz, Adam Kruggel, Larry Rubin. 65min.
Interview with Thomas Hardy. Surry County Improvement Association; the Surry Assembly. 2003. 26min.
Interview with Rev. Curtis W. Harris. Virginia Chapter of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), civil disobedience. 2003. 39min
Elizabeth & Jane Cooper, re Richmond VA school desegregation, 2003. 16min.
Interview With Bill Monnie, by Daugherty & Smith, re Virginia Student Civil Rights Committee (VSCRC), 2015. 54min.
Interview with Bruce Smith, by Daugherty & re Smith, re Virginia Student Civil Rights Committee (VSCRC), 2016. 106min.
Interview with Dottie Edwards, by Daugherty & Smith re Virginia Student Civil Rights Committee (VSCRC), 2016. 68min.
Interview with David Nolan, by Daugherty & re Smith re Virginia Student Civil Rights Committee (VSCRC) and St. Augustine movement, 2015. 61min.
Dr. W. Ferguson Reid, interview by Ronald E. Carrington re Virginia Student Civil Rights Committee (VSCRC). 22min.
Tom Gardner, interview re Virginia Student Civil Rights Committee (VSCRC). 87min.
Steven Wise, interview by re Virginia Student Civil Rights Committee (VSCRC). 50min.
Roger Hickey, interview by re Virginia Student Civil Rights Committee (VSCRC). 52min.
Nan Grogan Orrock, interview by Daugherty & Smith re Virginia Student Civil Rights Committee (VSCRC). 76min.
Rev. Curtis Harris, interview re Virginia SCLC, civil disobedience. 39min.
Thomas Hardy, interview by Ronald E. Carrington re Surrey County Virginia movement & Surrey Assembly. 26min.
1963 March on Washington: Organizing Manual No. 1, Cleveland Robinson, Bayard Rustin. MoW organizing committee. August 1963 1963 Letter to President Kennedy requesting an appointment for civil rights leaders to meet with him on the day of the March. A Philip Randolph. August 13, 1963. (Request was granted.) 1963 March on Washington: mobilization flyers, various organizations (4 examples). August 1963 1963 We Demand an End to Police Brutality Now! flyer. Unsigned (possibly handed out at March on Washington) 1964 COFO's Proposed Community Centers COFO Publication #8, unsigned, COFO. undated (possibly earlyl 1964) 1964 MFDP Newsletter, January, 1966. ASCS elections, Delta evictions, shooting, Xmas volunteers 1964 Meridian Mississippi the Coummunity and the Community Center unsigned CORE, fund appeal. Undated (probably Fall 1964) 1965 Minutes of the COFO Convention, MS. Lois Chaffee. March 7, 1965. (Same day as Selma "Bloody Sunday") 1966 Fund appeal for Operation Freedom Carol & Ann Braden, SCEF. March 24 1966 1966 Thank-you note to Mrs. Montgomery for travel money donation Elizabeth Sutherland, SNCC. March 31, 1966 1966 Dear Friend fund appeal for NAACP Special Contribution Fund. Roy Wilkins, NAACP. April 8, 1966 1967 Dear Mrs. Gaddison re candidate recruitment and training in MS. Jordan & Greenberg, VEP. July 13, 1967 WATS & Phone Reports (Log of daily phone-in reports)
SNCC November 10, 1963. Pine Bluff AR, updates on police harassment and arrests, Misc: Greenwood MS, Jackson MS.
SNCC November 13, 1963. Ivanhoe Donaldson, Greenville MS, report on workshop and staff meeting, Misc: Liberty MS, Selma AL, Gadsden AL.
SNCC November 14, 1963. Tom Brown, Selma AL, updates on court hearing, Misc: greenwood MS.
SNCC November 15, 1963. Worth Long, Selma AL, court hearing temporarily postponed, Misc: Jackson MS, Pine Bluff AR, Greenville MS, etc.
SNCC November 16, 1963. Hunter Morey, Greenville MS, report on demonstrations and arrests, Misc: Pine Bluf AR.
SNCC November 16, 1963. Bill Hansen, 18 people arrested at Habib's Cafeteria.
SNCC November 17, 1963. Jane Stembridge, Jackson MS, miscellaneous report.
SNCC November 18 , 1963. Call summaries: Pine Bluff AR, Selma AL, Jackson MS.
SNCC November 19, 1963. Ruthie Hansen, Helena AR, report on court hearing of Negro youth, Misc: Selma AL, Gadsden AL.
SNCC November 26, 1963. Chico, Houston TX, beginning voter registration, Misc: Greenville MS, Washington DC.
SNCC WATS Report Incident Summary, December 1-9 1964. MS, GA, AL towns & projects, ASCS elections.
Southern Regional Council (SRC) documents, publications, & articles. 1951 The Law Gains Ground, unsigned. New South, January 1951. Racial lynchings in the South 1951 Negro Candidates in the South. Unsigned, New South, September 1951 Documents from the Northern Wing of the Movement
4/25/65 FoS Freedom Singers: SNCC, flyer for noon rally re MFDP. Unsigned. Summer65 AdHoc Rally flyer, rallies to support jailed S.F. sit-in students at U.C. Berkeley and San Francisco. Unsigned (possibly AdHoc Committee Against Discrimination) 4/7/66 Grape Pickers Win First Recgognition, Delano grape strike and March to Sacramento. Unsigned 7/18/66 FoS Support the Black Panther Party! flyer re Alabama Lowndes County Freedom Organization (LCFO). Unsigned U.C. Berkeley Friends of SNCC (FoS) 8/6/66 FoS Parties to Support the Black Panther Party - Alabama Lowndes County Freedom Organization (LCFO). Unsigned Fos Students for a Democratic Society Documents
67-69? Is the Draft in Your Future?, unsigned UC Berkeley SDS. Undated (probably 1967-1969) 67-68? No Aid and Comfort for the CIA! Unsigned SDS. Undated (probably 1967-1968) The Outcome of the Strike re BSU/TWLF demands. Helene Whitson. Undated.
Memo to Faculty and Staff, re settlement of AFT strike. S.I. Hayakawa. March 18, 1969
Policy on Disciplinary Action Procedures for Academic Personnel, discussion summary re AFT agreement (page missing). State College System Trustees. Undated
Education for the People: The Third World Student Movement at SFSC and CCNY, Angela Rose Ryan, Ohio State University doctoral dissertation. 2010. 308 pages.
1964 NCC Ministers The Ministers' Report, re 10 day experience in Canton MS 2/64 Arthur Thomas, NCC Report to the Commmission on Canton, Mississippi 2/29/64 Huber Klemme, NCC A Report of a Visit to Canton Mississippi, February 26-29, 1964 2/29/64 A. Garnett Day, NCC Report on the Commission to Canton, Mississippi 3/4/64 T.W. Simer, NCC A memorandum on a Three Day Visit to Canton, Mississippi 3/9/64 Edward Heininger, UCCF Expense Account for Trip to Canton, Mississippi 1964 Unsigned COFO Greetings and love to you all, re Gloria Richardson, Stokely Carmichael, and others (page[s] missing). MS 5/5/65 Hardy Frye, SNCC Dear Don, letter to Don Monkrud re MS voting rights, Holly Springs 7/65 Unsigned COFO Dear Ellen, re situation in MS 7/17/67 Amzie Moore, NAACP Dear Mr. Moore, invitation to discuss housing inssues in MS from Clay Cochran, ISHHA
Frank Bates Interview, of SCLC leader in Crawfordsville Georgia by #KZSU Project South (Institute of American History, Stanford University), summer 1965 Henry Brown Interview, of CORE staff member in Clinton Louisiana by #KZSU Project South (Institute of American History, Stanford University), summer 1965 John Buffington Interview, of SNCC staff member in Clay County Mississippi by #KZSU Project South (Institute of American History, Stanford University), summer 1965 Sam Carr Interview, of MFDP leader in Aberdeen Mississippi by #KZSU Project South (Institute of American History, Stanford University), summer 1965 Michael Lipsky Freedom Summer, 1964 (MS) Willie Johnson Interview, of SNCC staff member in Vicksburg Mississippi by #KZSU Project South (Institute of American History, Stanford University), summer 1965 Unidentified CORE Interview, unidentified white Louisiana CORE staff member (Michael Lesser?), by #KZSU Project South (Stanford University), , summer 1965 Unidentified CORE Interview, unidentified Black Louisiana CORE staff member, by #KZSU Project South (Stanford University), summer 1965 Bruce Smith Interview by Daugherty & Smith re Virginia Student Civil Rights Committee (VSCRC). 2016. 29-pages Elizabeth & Jane Cooper Interview re school integration in Richmond VA. 2003. 4-pages Dottie Edwards Interview by Daugherty & Smith re Virginia Student Civil Rights Committee (VSCRC). 2016. 15-pages David Nolan Interview by Daugherty & Smith re Virginia Student Civil Rights Committee (VSCRC) and St. Augustine FL movement. 2015. 15-pages Bill Monnie Interview by Daugherty & re Smith, re Virginia Student Civil Rights Committee. 2015. 14-pages.
Thoughts Supreme Court's Affirmative Action Ruling Raphael Cassimere Jr. St. James A.M.E: A Study in Courage, Commitment And A Cause Raphael Cassimere Jr.
Vivian Leburg Rothstein - COFO/CORE/SNCC, 1965, MS
SNCC 50th #30 ~ The Young Peoples Project
SNCC 50th #31 ~ The Cradle to Prison Pipeline, Benetta Standly, Crystal Mattison, Carmen Perez, Carrie Richburg
SNCC 50th #32 ~ Actions For A New World, Ash-Lee Henderson, Jonathan Lewis, Djuan Coleon, Ace Washington, Marilyn Shaw
SNCC 50th #33 ~ Special Program - Dick Gregory
SNCC 50th #34 ~ Plenary - In Remembrance of Ella Baker, Howard Zinn, and James Forman Charles Sherrod, Dr. Carolyn Brockington, Constancia 'Dinky' Romilly, Vincent Harding
SNCC 50th #35 ~ Dinner Keynote - Danny Glover, The Real Costs Lie Ahead
SNCC 50th #36 ~ Freedom Concert, ot 8 Brass Band, SNCC Freedom Singers, Bernice Johnson Reagon, Guy Carawan, Len Chandler, Harry Belafonte, more...
SNCC 50th #37 ~ Plenary - Bob Moses, We the People,
SNCC 50th #38 ~ Closing Program - Bernice Johnson Reagon, Solidarity of Past, Present and Future
No new answers added this month.
No new poems added this month.
Standing, by Ernest McMillan. August, 2023.
My Country Is the World: Staughton Lynd's Writings, Speeches, and Statements against the Vietnam War, edited by Luke Smith. Foreword by Staughton and Alice Lynd. Haymarket Books, 2023.
The Struggle of Struggles, by Vera Pigee (1924-2007), edited by Frangoise Hamlin, University Press of Mississippi. 2023. New edition of Vera Pigee autobiography chronicles Coahoma County MS, NAACP, Women's leadership, grassroots organizing, citizenship schools, voter registration, and the Baptist church.
A Day I Ain't Never Seen Before Remembering the Civil Rights Movement in Marks, Mississippi, by Joe Bateman, Cheryl Lynn Greenberg, and Richard Arvedon. How the civil rights movement unfolded in a small rural town, far from the cameras.
Stayed On Freedom: The Long History of Black Power through One Family's Journey, by Dan Berger, Zoharah Simmons and Michael Simmons. An authorized biography of Zoharah Simmons and Michael Simmons that brings into focus the lives of two unheralded Black Power activists who dedicated their lives to the fight for freedom. Basic Books, January 2023.
By Hands Now Known: Jim Crow's Legal Executioners, by Margaret Burnham, 2023. Investigation of Jim Crow-era racial violence, the legal apparatus that sustained it, and its enduring legacy. If the law cannot protect a person from a lynching, then isn't lynching the law?
Anne Braden Speaks: Selected Writings and Speeches, 1947-1999, Ben Wilkins, editor. Monthly Review Press, August 2022. Representative collection of Braden's writings, speeches, and letters, covering the full spectrum of her activism: from the relationship between race and capitalism, to the role of the South in American society, to the political function of anti- communism.
Lowndes County and the Road to Black Power, by Sam Pollard & Geeta Gandbhir, Multitude Films in association with The Atlantic. Story of the local movement and young Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) organizers who fought not just for voting rights, but for Black Power in Lowndes County. 2022. 90min.
As always comments, suggestions, corrections, and submissions from Freedom Movement activists are welcome. Veterans of the Southern Freedom Movement who are listed on the website's Roll Call are encouraged to contribute to the website their stories, thoughts, documents, and memories & tributes of those who have passed on by emailing them in to us.
If you're not already a subscriber to the monthly email version of this newsletter, send us your email address and let us know you'd like to be added to the list. To unsubscribe (heaven forfend!) do the same.
— Bruce Hartford,
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