Ralph David Fertig
( — 2019, In Memory)

CORE: 1946-1967 IL, DC
NAACP: 1947-1965 IL
SCLC: 1961-1967 IL, DC, AL
SNCC: 1961-1963 IL, DC, AL
Other: Chicago Freedom Action Committee, 1957-1962, IL
Current Residence: Los Angeles

The Making of a Freedom Rider

The movement was the center of my life and that of my family from the late 1940's through the late '60's. It is still a guiding force for my activities. I am currently President of the Humanitarian Law Project, a non-governmental organization with permanent consultative status to the United Nations Human Rights Commission; Vice President of Americans for Democratic Action, Southern California Chapter, and involved in related human rights efforts.

I was a Freedom Rider and a member of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, a social worker, College instructor, civil rights lawyer, Federal Administrative Judge for civil rights, and now, retired, an author. My recently published book, "Love and Liberation" (Writers Club Press) documents the struggle of Jews to tear down the ghetto walls in late 18th - early 19th century Europe; I have just completed an account, "Four Days in the Life of a Freedom Rider" and am gathering personal stories from others who went to jail in 1961 in fighting to desegregate interstate travel.

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