Writing under the pen name 'Mike Quinn,' Paul William Ryan was a leftist labor journalist, book author, and poet in the San Francisco Bay Area during the 1930s and 1940s. In his life he was a sailor, union activist with the ILWU (Westcoast longshoremen) and NMU (sailors union), newspaper reporter, and member of the Communist Party. The waterfront was his particular journalist beat. Drawings by Bits Hayden.
They Shall Not Die! (Scottsboro Boys)
These Are the Classwar Dead (S.F. General Strike, 1934)
He Said Fight
The Man in the Rain
Three Percent Own All the Wealth
Graduation Greetings
How Much for Spain? (Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939
Why Down't You Laugh? (Nazi Germany)
Little Boy Blue
Poems copyright © Mike Quinn (Paul William Ryan), and Bits Hayden all rights reserved.
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(Labor donated)