Civil Rights Movement Archive
Freedom Movement Contact Lists

[ Contact lists of names, addresses, and phone numbers were the essential raw material of community organizing and Freedom Movement mobilization. They were also one of the few types of information that activists tried to keep secret out of fear that the police, Klan, and White Citizens Council would retaliate against those supporting the Civil Rights Movement. Since local sheriffs, sovereignity commissions, FBI, and others maintained extensive networks of neighborhood snitches in most Afro-American communities, as a practical matter they quickly identified most local activists and supporters, few of whom remained secret for long. But our organizational lists made identifying them easy and convenient so we went to some lengths to prevent them from falling into the hands of our adversaries.]

CORE Offices, Staff & Contacts

1965CORE Lousiana Parish Assignments, Addresses and Phone Numbers, May 1965
1965MFDP/CORE Fourth District Contact List, Unsigned, MFDP/CORE. November 4, 1965
65? 66?CORE list of contacts and resources, Unsigned, CORE. Undated (possibly 1965 or 1966)

SCLC Contact Lists

1965List of Local Contacts and Addresses, SCLC SCOPE Project. Summer 1965
1965Convention reservation forms from SCOPE volunteers at SCLC annual convention, Birming AL. August 1965
1966List of Beats & Beat Captains, Hale County Alabama, SCLC. April 1966

SNCC Offices, Staff & Contacts

1962Address List: SNCC Field Offices & Friends of SNCC Groups, undated (possibly 1962 or '63)
1963SNCC contact list, July 8 1963
1963SNCC Field Offices & Staff as of October 1963
1963SNCC Contacts (Past and Present). Undated (probably between Dec 1963-October 1964)
63? 64?  Alabama Campus Contacts Past and Present, SNCC. Undated (probably 1963 or '64)
1964SNCC Press Lists, SNCC Communications Dept. Circa 1964
1964?Friends of SNCC Offices undated (possibly 1964)
1964SNCC offices & projects as of July 1964
1964SNCC mailing labels list, circa Freedom Summer. Unsigned SNCC.
1964?SNCC Northern Contact List undated (possibly during Freedom Summer 1964).
1964SNCC offices & projects as of September 1964
1964Friends of SNCC & northern fund-raising contacts as of October 1964
1964Memphis Newspapers & TV and Radio list, SNCC Communications Dept. Undated (possibly 1964 or 1965)
1964Southern contact list, SNCC Communications Dept. Undated (possibly summer 1964)
1964SNCC northern support offices contact list, SNCC Communications Dept. Undated (probably '64 or '65)
1964Key senators, contact info, SNCC Communications Dept. Undated (possibly 1964)
64?SNCC Staff Directory December 64? January 65?
1965List of People on Staff, SNCC, month unknown
1965SNCC Offices in the South, as of February, 1965
1965Friends of SNCC Groups, March 1965
1965SNCC offices & projects as of May 1965
1965Friends of SNCC & Northern SNCC Offices as of June 1965
1965SNCC offices & projects as of June 1965

Mississippi Offices & Contacts (COFO/MFDP/MFLU/Freedom Summer)

1964Contacts posted on wall in Hattiesburg. Unsigned COFO.
1964COFO Contact List, unsigned COFO. June 23 1964
1964Volunteers in the State by home state and town, and project assignment. July 3rd.
1964Parents List – Addreses and Names (re MS Freedom Summer volunteers), Undated summer of 1964
1964Communications Directory — Mississippi Summer Project, 1964, SNCC Communications Dept. Undated (probably June or July 1964)
1964COFO Communications People Mississippi, Mary King, SNCC. 7/3/64
1964SNCC mailing labels list, circa Freedom Summer. Unsigned SNCC.
1964List of Mississippi SNCC office phone numbers, SNCC Communications Dept. Undated (probably '64 or '65)
1964Freedom Summer volunteers, listed by state of origin. SNCC Communications Dept. Undated (summer 1964)
1964Law Student Assignments for COFO Summer Project, by R. Hunter Morey, COFO. Undated (probably late June of early July, 1964)
1964COFO Freedom Centers September 1964
1964Clark County MS - Stonewall community contact list, unsigned, COFO. Undated Freedom Summer
64-65Contact list: Mississippi Project 1964-1965, COFO
1965?Mississippi Freedom Labor Union Contact List, undated, probably 1965
1965MFDP Projects by County and Contacts, MS. Unsigned, MFDP. Augus 23, 1965
1966Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party Key List, unsigned MFDP. January 5, 1966

Other Contact Lists

1964SNCC press lists & contacts, SNCC Communications Dept. Summer 1964 (14pages)
1964Press contacts in Mississippi who covered the summer project Mary King, SNCC. Three pages formatted as mailing labels. August 31. 1964
1964Democratic State Chairmen contact list for lobbying for the Congressional Challenge. Unsigned, MFDP. 12/8/64
1964Virginia Students Civil Rights Conference list of participants, December 4-6 1964
1965Stanford Mississippi Freedom Project contact list, undated 1965

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