49th Annual Mississippi Civil Rights Martyrs Memorial Service Conference, Caravan and March for Justice
June 21-22, 2013
Neshoba County, Mississippi
Still standing for justice for Civil Rights Martyrs!
You are invited to attend the 49th Annual Mississippi Civil Rights Martyrs Memorial Service, Conference, Caravan and March for Justice on June 21 and 22, 2013. During this time, we will remember and honor all Mississippi Civil Rights Martyrs. Over fifty martyrs have been identified thus far and compared to the number of Mississippi murders committed — and the number of murderers involved — investigations and prosecutions have been a token few. During these events, we will also ask “What is the measure of justice in Mississippi today”?
On Friday, June 21 from 1:00 - 6:30 p.m., a Meet and Greet will take place at 31st Missionary Baptist Church, 3411 20th Street and 35th Avenue in Meridian, MS. At 6:30, Dinner and the Opening Program will take place.
On Saturday, June 22, you are invited to participate in the Caravan for Justice, which will assemble at 8:30 a.m. at 610 38th Avenue Meridian, MS. At 9:00 a.m., the Caravan will proceed to the former Council of Federated Organizations (COFO) office on 2505½ 5th Street, Meridian.
From the COFO office, will begin our March for Justice; it will proceed one block to The Lauderdale County Courthouse (500 Constitution Avenue in Meridian) where a civil rights rally will take place.
The Caravan will then proceed to Okatibbee Cemetery, the site of James Chaney’s gravesite (5052 Fish Lodge Rd, Meridian, MS) and after a brief service, the Caravan will travel to Rock Cut Road in Neshoba County (CR# 284 at intersection with CR# 515).
Afterwards, we will go to the Mt. Zion United Methodist Church (11191 Road 747 Philadelphia, MS) where the civil rights history of the church will be given by Jacquelin Spencer and John Steele, the only two people still living who were present the night of June 16, 1964, when the KKK held hostage and beat some members of the church and burned the church down.
The Caravan will then proceed to the site of the old Longdale Community Center (10470 CR# 632),Philadelphia, Mississippi which was fire bombed during predawn hours in 1982. A picnic lunch will be served on the grounds. After lunch, a Memorial Service that will include the planting of trees in honor of the Civil Rights Martyrs, will take place. Attendees and others may purchase a “Tree for Justice” to plant on the site for $50.
From 2:00 – 6:00 p.m. a conference that focuses on the question, “What is the Measure of Justice in Mississippi Today?” will be held at the Unity Springs Community Center (Little Rock Road). The purposes of this conference will be to shine light upon unsolved and unprosecuted murder cases and to discuss educational and economic justice today.
Our evening will end with dinner and entertainment at the Unity Springs Community Center from 6-9 p.m.
For more information, contact John Steele, Chairman, at freedomstruggle24.7@gmail.com or (925) 206-7073.
Diane Nash, sa3456@msn.com
C.T. Vivian, ctv@comcast.net
Curtis Muhammad, curtismuhammad@gmail.com
George Roberts, Rgeorge529@aol.com
Also, visit our website: www.justiceinmississippi.org